Every child command inherits the following flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.lstn.yaml)
Listen in on what your CI does.
Enable the CI eavesdropping.
--dir string the directory where the jibril binary is
--core-endpoint string the listen.dev Core API endpoint (default "https://core.listen.dev")
--loglevel string set the logging level (default "info")
--timeout int set the timeout, in seconds (default 60)
--debug-options output the options, then exit
--gh-token string set the GitHub token
--jwt-token string set the listen.dev auth token
Report the most critical findings into GitHub pull requests.
--core-endpoint string the listen.dev Core API endpoint (default "https://core.listen.dev")
--loglevel string set the logging level (default "info")
--timeout int set the timeout, in seconds (default 60)
--debug-options output the options, then exit
--gh-owner string set the GitHub owner name (org|user)
--gh-pull-id int set the GitHub pull request ID
--gh-repo string set the GitHub repository name
--gh-token string set the GitHub token
--jwt-token string set the listen.dev auth token
Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell.
Generate the autocompletion script for bash.
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Generate the autocompletion script for fish.
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Generate the autocompletion script for zsh.
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Details about the ~/.lstn.yaml config file.
Which environment variables you can use with lstn.
Details about the lstn exit codes.
Help about any command.
Inspect the verdicts for your dependencies tree.
--json output the verdicts (if any) in JSON form
-l, --lockfiles strings set one or more lock file paths (relative to the working dir) to lookup for (default [package-lock.json,poetry.lock])
--loglevel string set the logging level (default "info")
--npm-endpoint string the listen.dev endpoint emitting the NPM verdicts (default "https://npm.listen.dev")
--pypi-endpoint string the listen.dev endpoint emitting the PyPi verdicts (default "https://pypi.listen.dev")
--timeout int set the timeout, in seconds (default 60)
--debug-options output the options, then exit
-q, --jq string filter the output verdicts using a jq expression (requires --json)
--npm-registry string set a custom NPM registry (default "https://registry.npmjs.org")
--gh-owner string set the GitHub owner name (org|user)
--gh-pull-id int set the GitHub pull request ID
--gh-repo string set the GitHub repository name
-r, --reporter (gh-pull-check,gh-pull-comment,gh-pull-review,pro) set one or more reporters to use (default [])
--gh-token string set the GitHub token
--jwt-token string set the listen.dev auth token
For example:
lstn in
lstn in .
lstn in /we/snitch
lstn in sub/dir
lstn in --lockfiles poetry.lock,package-lock.json
lstn in /pyproj --lockfiles poetry.lock
A comprehensive reference of all the lstn commands.
A comprehensive guide to the lstn
reporting mechanisms.
Inspect the verdicts for your direct dependencies.
--json output the verdicts (if any) in JSON form
--loglevel string set the logging level (default "info")
--npm-endpoint string the listen.dev endpoint emitting the NPM verdicts (default "https://npm.listen.dev")
--pypi-endpoint string the listen.dev endpoint emitting the PyPi verdicts (default "https://pypi.listen.dev")
--timeout int set the timeout, in seconds (default 60)
--debug-options output the options, then exit
--ignore-deptypes (dep,dev,optional,peer) the list of dependencies types to not process (default [bundle])
--ignore-packages strings the list of packages to not process
-q, --jq string filter the output verdicts using a jq expression (requires --json)
-s, --select string filter the output verdicts using a jsonpath script expression (server-side)
--npm-registry string set a custom NPM registry (default "https://registry.npmjs.org")
--gh-owner string set the GitHub owner name (org|user)
--gh-pull-id int set the GitHub pull request ID
--gh-repo string set the GitHub repository name
-r, --reporter (gh-pull-check,gh-pull-comment,gh-pull-review,pro) set one or more reporters to use (default [])
--gh-token string set the GitHub token
For example:
lstn scan
lstn scan .
lstn scan sub/dir
lstn scan /we/snitch
lstn scan /we/snitch --ignore-deptypes peer
lstn scan /we/snitch --ignore-deptypes dev,peer
lstn scan /we/snitch --ignore-deptypes dev --ignore-deptypes peer
lstn scan /we/snitch --ignore-packages react,glob --ignore-deptypes peer
lstn scan /we/snitch --ignore-packages react --ignore-packages glob,@vue/devtools
Get the verdicts of a package.
--json output the verdicts (if any) in JSON form
--loglevel string set the logging level (default "info")
--npm-endpoint string the listen.dev endpoint emitting the NPM verdicts (default "https://npm.listen.dev")
--pypi-endpoint string the listen.dev endpoint emitting the PyPi verdicts (default "https://pypi.listen.dev")
--timeout int set the timeout, in seconds (default 60)
--debug-options output the options, then exit
-q, --jq string filter the output verdicts using a jq expression (requires --json)
-s, --select string filter the output verdicts using a jsonpath script expression (server-side)
--npm-registry string set a custom NPM registry (default "https://registry.npmjs.org")
For example:
# Get the verdicts for all the chalk versions that listen.dev owns
lstn to chalk
lstn to debug 4.3.4
lstn to react 18.0.0 b468736d1f4a5891f38585ba8e8fb29f91c3cb96
# Get the verdicts for all the existing chalk versions
lstn to chalk "*"
# Get the verdicts for nock versions >= 13.2.0 and < 13.3.0
lstn to nock "~13.2.x"
# Get the verdicts for tap versions >= 16.3.0 and < 16.4.0
lstn to tap "^16.3.0"
# Get the verdicts for prettier versions >= 2.7.0 <= 3.0.0
lstn to prettier ">=2.7.0 <=3.0.0"
Print out version information.
-v, -- count increment the verbosity level
--changelog output the relase notes URL
--debug-options output the options, then exit