Releases: luc-github/ESP3D
ESP3D for ESP8266/ESP32
- Usable as library
- Full support for ESP8266/ESP32
- Better support for Marlin (due to lot of change in Marlin code)
- Connection management
- DHT support
- Oled Support
- Serial SD communication only -> not for Azteeg X5 mini WiFi or clone
- Even async webserver is available - better use sync webserver
ESP3D for ESP8266/ESP32
This firmware allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer.
For esp8266 core 2.4.1
- Smaller footprint
- Embedded SPIFFS and Firmware uploader
- Fancy Web-UI (
- Full support of Marlin / Marlinkimbra / Repetier / Smoothieware
- Beta support for EP32 (some libraries are still missing or not optimized: Web Server, SSDP, NetBIOS), check asyncwebserver branch for full esp32 support
- Serial SD communication only -> not for Azteeg X5 mini WiFi
For ESP boards
This firmware allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer.
For core 2.4.0 (
- Smaller footprint
- Embedded SPIFFS and Firmware uploader
- New Web-UI (
- Now full support of Marlin / Marlinkimbra / Repetier / Smoothieware
- Beta support for EP32 (some libraries are still missing or not optimized: Web Server, SSDP, NetBIOS)
Limitation: 16MB boards are not recognized properly per #198
For ESP boards with at least 1M of flash (new ESP01 / ESP12E/F)
This fw allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer
for core 2.2.0 (
- fix Sleep mode / PHY mode
- fix random crash when compilation is done under linux (possibly all OS)
For ESP boards with at least 1M of flash (new ESP01 / ESP12E/F)
This fw allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer
for core 2.2.0 (
For ESP boards with at least 1M of flash (new ESP01 / ESP12E/F)
This fw allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer
for core 2.0.0 (
For ESP12E and other boards with at least 4M of flash
This fw allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer
For ESP01 and ESP12E
This fw allows to configure your ESP as AP or Client and monitor and control your 3D printer