In ICML 2022 (Spotlight) [arXiv]
Chris Lu, Timon Willi, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Jakob Foerster
Work done at FLAIR.
This is a PyTorch based implementation of our ICML 2022 paper Model-Free Opponent Shaping. We introduce a new meta-game approach to general-sum games that learns to influence or "shape" the long-term evolution of its opponent's policy.
Author = {Chris Lu and
Timon Willi and
Christian A. Schroeder de Witt and
Jakob N. Foerster},
title = {Model-Free Opponent Shaping},
booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning, {ICML} 2022, 17-23 July
2022, Baltimore, Maryland, {USA}},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
volume = {162},
pages = {14398--14411},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2022},
- This code is based on PyTorch. To install and setup the code, run the following commands:
git clone
#create virtual env
conda create --name mfos python=3.8
source activate mfos
#install requirements
pip install numpy
pip install torch
- Training standard M-FOS against Naive Learner in the IPD
cd Model-Free-Opponent-Shaping
# name of the experiment
python3 src/ --game=IPD --opponent=NL --exp-name=runs/mfos_ppo_ipd_nl
We used the PPO implementation from:
We used environment and opponent code from: