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This is a Gradle project that wraps each known plugin with a common set of tasks and dependencies.

See the following instructions on how to build, deploy, and run the plugins


This repository contains connector implementations(see the list here ) and a shared library.

The project structure of each connector is defined here.

The shared-lib sub-project contains common classes and utility methods used on different connector implementations. To include the shared library in a connector project, add it as a dependency in the build file:

dependencies {
  implementation project(":shared-lib")

For example, the simple-connector build project is including the shared-lib project.

Building the Plugin Zip file

From java-sdk/connectors, execute the assemblePlugins task

./gradlew clean assemblePlugins

This produces the zip files, e.g. located in the build/libs directory.

At this point, the generated zip could be uploaded directly to Fusion, but follow the steps below to run as a remote plugin.

To target a specific SDK version, checkout the appropriate git tag version before bulding the plugin zip.

Deploy to Fusion

From java-sdk/connectors, execute the deploy task to automatically deploy the connector to the Fusion, the url can be configured as shown. By default, it points to localhost.

./gradlew -p simple-connector deploy -PrestService= -PuserPass=<user>:<password>

While developing the plugin, you will need a way to deploy your changes quick and easy to Fusion.

Here is a Linux/Mac example of how to deploy your SDK connector to Fusion which uses curl:

curl -u "${FUSION_USERNAME}:${FUSION_PASSWORD}" -X PUT -H "content-type:application/zip" "${FUSION_PROXY_URL}" --data-binary "@${PLUGIN_ZIP_PATH}"

Here is a Windows example of how to deploy your SDK connector to Fusion which uses powershell:

$fusion_username = "admin"
$fusion_password = "password"
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $fusion_username,$fusion_password)))
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Method PUT -ContentType "application/zip" "${FUSION_PROXY_URL}" -InFile "${PLUGIN_ZIP_PATH}"

Connect to Fusion Remotely

Before trying to run plugins remotely, please go to remote-connector documentation to check how to configure fusion to run plugins remotely.

A configuration file config.yaml holding the cluster information is needed in order to connect remotely to a fusion cluster.

  service-url: <Pulsar Service URL>
  admin-url: <Pulsar Admin URL>
  tenant-name: <Pulsar Tenant Name (kube namespace)>
  authenticationEnabled: <Pulsar authentication enabled flag>
  tlsEnabled: <TLS enabled flag>
  user: <Fusion proxy user>
  password: <Fusion proxy password>
  url: <Fusion proxy url>

NOTE: The plugin.path is not needed since the gradle task injects the plugin zip.

The steps to use the connect tasks are the following:

  1. Create a config.yaml with your cluster information.
  2. Verify that the fusionVersion is correct on the file.
  3. Execute the connect task providing the plugin name and, the path to the configuration file.
./gradlew -p simple-connector connect -PconfigYamlPath=/path/to/config.yaml
  1. After connecting to the cluster you should be able to see the plugin in Fusion's UI.

Java version

  • Since Fusion 5.2 connectors services use java 11.
  • The new connectorsSDK 4.2.0 use java 11.

Upgrade Connector implementation to Fusion 5

In order to upgrade to Fusion 5, the sdk dependency to be upgraded to connector-plugin-sdk:2.0.0 version. The way to implement the plugin definition class has changed. Below is an example on how to implement the plugin definition class:


import com.lucidworks.fusion.connector.plugin.api.plugin.ConnectorPlugin;
import com.lucidworks.fusion.connector.plugin.api.plugin.ConnectorPluginProvider;

public class MyPlugin implements ConnectorPluginProvider { // <1>

  public ConnectorPlugin get() { // <2>
    Module fetchModule = new AbstractModule() {
      protected void configure() {
        bind(MyClient.class).to(MyHttpClientImpl.class).asEagerSingleton();  // <3>

    return ConnectorPlugin.builder(MyPluginConfig.class) // <4>
        .withFetcher("content", MyContentFetcher.class, fetchModule) // <5>
        .withFetcher("access_control", MyAccessControlFetcher.class, fetchModule) // <6>
        .withSecurityFilter(MySecurityFilterComponennt.class, fetchModule)
        .withValidator(MyValidator.class, fetchModule)
        .build(); // <7>
  1. The plugin definition class should implement com.lucidworks.fusion.connector.plugin.api.plugin.ConnectorPluginProvider interface.
  2. Implement the get() method(it should return a com.lucidworks.fusion.connector.plugin.api.plugin.ConnectorPlugin object).
  3. Define the bindings in this method implementation, as usual.
  4. Use the static method to get an instance of the ConnectorPlugin.Builder class. Pass the connector configuration class as parameter(the class where the connector properties are defined).
  5. Add the fetcher(s) classes to the build by using ConnectorPlugin.Builder.withFetcher() method
  6. Set other components to the plugin definition. See the com.lucidworks.fusion.connector.plugin.api.plugin.ConnectorPlugin.Builder class for more details.
  7. Call the build() method on the build instance.

See more examples of the plugin definition classes in the example connectors project.