This document details how to use Logstash with Solr. It has been tested with the following versions:
- Solr 4.4.0, 4.5.0, 4.6.0, 4.7.0, 4.8.1 and 5.5.0
- Logstash 1.3.3 and 2.2.2
- Java 1.6.0, 1.7.0 and 1.8.0
Create a collection to hold the log event data. It is now the expectation that the collection uses either a managed_schema or that the user has created an appropriate unmanaged schema for receipt of new fields. With the exception of the two mandatory fields @timestamp and @version the application will not itself attempt to directly use the Solr api to explicitly create fields.
For the mandatory fields @timestamp and @version the program will check for their existence at startup and if these fields do not exist then it will attempt to create them with the following types:
Timestamp type: tdate name: appends prefix value from config file or logstash_ by default to 'timestamp'. ex: logstash_timestamp stored: true indexed: true
Version type: long name: appends prefix value from config file or logstash_ by default to 'version'. ex: logstash_version stored: true indexed: true
These type definitions can be changed in the file
Setup a managed schema in
file by including an active ManagedIndexSchemaFactory. The xml file is located in the collection's conf directory.
Example: true managed-schema
For more information see -
An example collection folder named logstash_logs
is provided for use as a starter. Note that it is
based on Solr version 4.4.0. If you use a different version then you should use files from your distribution for your starting point.
Copy the logstash_logs
folder to the directory where your solr collections are stored. With this 'skeleton' in place use the Solr admin tool
to create a new collection. In the 'instance dir' field enter logstash_logs.
Example admin new core parameters:
name: WhatEverNameYouLike
instance_dir: logstash_logs
dataDir: data
config: solrconfig.xml
schema: schema.xml
Note that later versions of Solr automatically detect cores. Also, if you are running SolrCloud, you will need to either bootstrap the configuration at startup or upload the configuration to zookeeper and then specify it when creating a collection.
is located inlogstash-output-lucidworks_solr/lib/
. It contains the Java class files fromsrc
directory that the logstash plugin requires. -
is located inlogstash-output-lucidworks_solr/lib/logstash/outputs/
. It contains the JRuby source code of the logstash output plugin.The receive method converts the event argument received from Logstash into a hash of fieldname=fieldvalue pairs and passes this to lucidworks.jar.
output definition to logstash configuration file. An example filelw_solr_conf
is included with the distribution. To use, point the path parameter at your log file location:
input {
file {
type => "syslog"
exclude => ["*.gz","*.zip","*.tgz"]
path => "/logfilePath/**/./*"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
start_position => "beginning"
# Create fields for all name=value pairs found in message. Add a new field and tag just for fun.
filter {
kv {
add_field => [ "User_%{user}_says", "Hello world, from %{src_ip}" ]
add_tag => [ "tag", "you are it" ]
output {
lucidworks_solr {
collection_host => "localhost"
collection_port => "8888"
collection_name => "logstash_logs"
field_prefix => "event_"
force_commit => false
flush_size => 1000
idle_flush_time => 1
output {
lucidworks_solr {
collection_host => ... # string (optional), default: "localhost"
collection_port => ... # number (optional), default: 8983
collection_name => ... # string (optional), default: "collection1"
field_prefix => ... # string (optional), default: "logstash_"
force_commit => ... # boolean (optional), default: false
flush_size => ... # number (optional), default: 100
idle_flush_time => ... # number (optional), default: 1
=> Address of solr instance.
Value type is string
Default is localhost
=> Port for sending rest messages to solr instance.
Value type is string
Default is 8983
=> Name of existent collection that will receive new documents.
Value type is string
Default is collection1
=> Logstash @timestamp and @version will be renamed [field_prefix]timestamp and [field_prefix]version.
Value type is string
Default is logstash_
=> If true then a commit request will be sent to Solr for each batch of documents uploaded. If false then
the documents will be committed per the Solr instance's configured commit policy.
Value type is boolean
Default is false
The lucidworks_solr output plugin uses Logstash's stud buffer to handle buffering events for batched document uploads. The next two field values get passed to the buffer manager.
=> Number of events to queue up before writing to Solr. The implementation uses Logstash's stud event buffering.
Value type is number
Default is 100
=> Amount of time in seconds since the last flush before a flush is done even if the number of buffered events is smaller than flush_size.
Value type is number
Default is 1
To run logstash:
$ logstash-2.2.2./bin/logstash agent -f lw_solr_syslog.confCaptured log data should now be in your Solr instance.