Simple C++11 friendly header-only bindings to Lua
A component of PM-Game-Server.
Reference to Selene and fix some features to meet the PM-Game-Server's requirements
- cmake 2.8+(This is not must if you don't want to compile tests)
- lua 5.2+
- a compiler which support c++14(recommend gcc)
##Features and Usage
###Establishing lua context
nua::Context ctx;
If you don't need standard Lua libraries:
nua::Context ctx{false};
When a nua::Context destruct, the lua context is automatically destroyed in addition to all objects associated with it(including C++ objects).
###Loading lua script from file
###Executing lua code in c++ code
ctx(R"(print("hello, world"))");
###Registering c++ function to lua
ctx["foo"] = []{ std::cout << "hello, nua" << std::endl; }; /**< lambda */
ctx["bar"] = std::function<...>(...); /**< stl function */
ctx["barz"] = std::bind(...);
struct T
type operator()(...)
} callable;
ctx["func"] = callable; /**< callable object */
Then you can call these functions in lua.
###Calling lua function in c++
ctx["foo"](); /**< no return, no parameter */
ctx["bar"](1, 2, "hello").get<int>(); /**< get return value with type of int */
int x;
std::string y;
std::tie(x, y) = ctx["barz"](1, 2, 3).get<int, std::string>(); /**< get more than one return value */
###Registering Classes
struct T
int v;
int func(int y);
ctx.setClass<T>("v", &T::v, "func", &T::func);
Then you can use this class in lua:
function bar(t)
print(t:v()) --get T::v
t:set_v(123) --set T::v
t:func(123) --call T::func
You should not that t should be passed to lua by C++:
T t;
###Passing reference Rigistered class can be passed to lua by reference
struct T
T(const T&) = delete;
} t;
ctx["bar"](std::cref(t)); /**< when you pass const reference, the set_xxx functions will be omited as well as non-const member function */
###Returning reference from c++
ctx["foo"] = [&]() -> const T& { return t; };
###Accepting Lua functions as Arguments
-- test.lua
function add(a, b)
return a + b
function pass_add(x, y)
return take_fun_arg(add, x, y)
nua::Context ctx;
ctx["take_fun_arg"] = [](nua::function<int(int, int)> func, int a, int b)
return func(a, b);
assert(ctx["pass_add"](3, 5) == 8);
###Making use of c++ polymorphic functions
nua::Context ctx;
struct B
virtual void apply() const
std::cout << "apply B" << std::endl;
struct T : B
void apply() const override
std::cout << "apply T" << std::endl;
ctx.setClass<B>("apply", &B::apply);
T t;
B& rt = t;
function apply(b)
##Note You can not
- pass reference of primitive type to nua
- return reference of primitive type in the function you registered to nua
- use non-const reference of primitive type as args in the function you registered to nua
- return reference of primitive type from lua to c++
The primitive types include:
- all number type in c++(bool, char, unsigned char, int, etc).
- std::string
- std::nullptr_t
- nua::function
function foo(x)
int x = 0;
ctx["foo"](x); /**< ok */
ctx["foo"](std::ref(x)); /**< runtime error, x is of primitive type */
ctx["foo"](std::cref(x)); /**< runtime error, x is of primitive type */
Note that std::string is also of primitive type:
ctx["foo"] = [](const std::string& s) {...}; /**< ok, receive const reference of primitive type */
ctx["foo"] = []() -> const std::string& {...}; /**< runtime error, return reference of primitive type */
An object can be return from lua to c++ as reference, only if it was passed to lua as reference before, and the const-qualifiers must be correct.
struct T
function forward_ref(x)
return x
T t;
ctx["forward_ref"](t).get<const T&>(); /**< runtime error, expect a reference of a non-reference object */
ctx["forward_ref"](t).get<T&>(); /**< runtime error, expect a reference of a non-reference object */
ctx["forward_ref"](std::ref(t)).get<const T&>(); /**< ok, non-const reference can be translate to its' const version */
ctx["forward_ref"](std::cref(t)).get<const T&>(); /**< ok */
ctx["forward_ref"](std::cref(t)).get<T&>(); /**< runtime error, const reference can't be translate to non-const one */