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Plot Optimization Results

arturluis edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

HyperMapper provides a script to plot the optimization results for mono-objective applications. Results are plotted in terms of the optimization's simple regret. The simple regret is defined as the difference between the best function value found at each iteration and the minimum of the function being optimized. The script can also be used to compute the mean regret (with standard deviation) of multiple optimization runs or to compare the mean regrets of different optimizers or different optimization runs. For functions with two objectives, see Plot Pareto, for functions with more than two objectives, see Plot HVI.


The input to the script is:

  1. A json file containing the parameters of the exploration, prepended by -j.
  2. One or more directories containing csv files, in the same format as the output generated by HyperMapper, prepended by -i.

Example 1:

python3 scripts/ -j example_scenarios/quick_start/branin_scenario.json -i branin_outputs

This will plot an image with the mean regret and standard deviation across all output files in the branin_outputs directory:

Example 2:

python3 scripts/ -j example_scenarios/quick_start/branin_scenario.json -i branin_outputs_rf branin_outputs_gp

This will plot an image with a comparison of the mean regret and standard deviation across the files in the branin_outputs_rf and branin_outputs_gp directories:

Optional parameters

The script also supports a number of optional arguments:

  • --labels or -l followed by a list of strings. A list of labels, one for each directory, containing the labels to use in the plot legend. Default: directory names.
  • --minimum or -min followed by a number. The true minimum of the function used to compute regret. Default: 0.
  • --output_file or -o followed by a string. The name of the output image file. Default: "[application_name]_regret.pdf".
  • --output_dir or -od followed by a string. An output directory to save the image. Default: current directory.
  • --budget or -b followed by an integer. The number of optimization iterations to plot. Default: If not provided, the entire optimization will be plotted.
  • --title or -t followed by a string. The plot title. Default: "[application_name]".
  • --x_label or -xl followed by a string. The name of the x-axis. Default: "Number of Evaluations".
  • --y_label or -yl followed by a string. The name of the y-axis. Default: "Regret".
  • --ncol or -nc followed by an integer. The number of columns in the legend. Default: 4.
  • --plot_log or -log. Plot simple regret on a logarithmic scale.
  • --unlog_y_axis or -unlog. Only applied when --plot_log is set. After plotting, show simple regret values on the y-axis, instead of the log of the simple regret.
  • --show_doe or -doe. Show the design of experiment phase with a vertical dashed line on the plot.
  • --expert_configuration or -exp followed by a number. Adds a horizontal line on the plot at the value provided. Used to add a baseline from previous experiments or manual optimization to the plot. Added to the legend as "Expert Configuration".
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