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Print Best Point

arturluis edited this page Feb 22, 2021 · 2 revisions

HyperMapper by default computes the best point it found during optimization for mono-objective applications. If HyperMapper is running on default mode, this result is automatically returned once optimization finishes. For example, after optimization HyperMapper will print something like:

Best point found:

If HyperMapper is running on client-server mode, this line will not be printed and will only be written to the log file instead. It is possible to control whether HyperMapper prints this message or not using the print_best option in the json configuration file:

"print_best": true

Setting this field to true will make HyperMapper always print this message, even on client-server mode. Setting it to false will make HyperMapper never print this message. Regardless of the option, the best point found will always be computed and written on the log file.

Best Point According to the Model

It is also possible to ask HyperMapper to compute the best point according to the model used for Bayesian Optimization once optimization finishes. This can be activated using the print_posterior_best field in the json:

"print_posterior_best": true

When this field is set to true, HyperMapper will compute and print the minimum of the mean of the posterior model used for Bayesian Optimization. For example, after optimization HyperMapper will print something like:

Minimum of the posterior mean:
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