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Bridging Flow Overview

The flow for bridging tokens is generally as follows.

graph LR;
    User[User 👤] --> ERC20[ERC20 stablecoin 🪙];

    subgraph Collateral_Chain[Ethereum]
        ERC20 -- lock tokens into --> HypERC20Collateral[HypERC20Collateral 🏦🔒];
        HypERC20Collateral -- informs --> Mailbox1[Hyperlane Mailbox 📭📥];

    Mailbox1 -- to relay ✉️ bridge token --> Relayer[Hyperlane Relayer 🚚];
    Relayer -- relaying ✉️ bridge tx to LUKSO chain  --> Mailbox2[Hyperlane Mailbox 📬📤];

    subgraph Synthetic_Chain[LUKSO]
        Mailbox2 -- verify bridge transaction in source chain <--> ISM[Hashi ISM 👮🫡];
        Mailbox2 --> HypLSP7[wrapped synthetic version of stablecoin as LSP7 🪙 📦];
        HypLSP7 -- mint ⛏️ --> User2[User 👤]

    Hashi[Hashi zk light client generating zk proofs 🔄⨐] <--> ISM

If the token is originally from:


Scenario 1: ERC20 on Ethereum (USDC) -> HypLSP7 on LUKSO

The ERC20 token initially exists on Ethereum and was deployed there (e.g: DAI, USDC, etc...).

The ERC20 token is locked on ETHEREUM, an HypLSP7 token is minted on LUKSO.

%% Ethereum -> LUKSO - Bridge an existing ERC20 on Ethereum to LUKSO
%% example: DAI
graph TD
    subgraph Source_Chain_Ethereum[Ethereum]
        User[User 👤] -->|transfer ➡️| ERC20
        ERC20 -->|lock 🔒| HypERC20Collateral
        HypERC20Collateral .->|Bridging| HypLSP7
    subgraph Destination_Chain_LUKSO[LUKSO]
        HypLSP7 -->|mint ⛏️| End_User
        End_User[User 👤]

Scenario 2: HypERC20 from Ethereum (wCHILL) -> LSP7 on LUKSO

The token was migrated from LUKSO to Ethereum and an HypERC20 token contract was created as a wrapper on the Ethereum side (e.g: wrapped Chillwhale or wrapped FABS as HypERC20).

The user burns the wrapped token HypERC20 on Ethereum, and the tokens are unlocked on the LUKSO side and transferred to the user.

%% Ethereum -> LUKSO - LSP7 token that was initially bridged from LUKSO
%% example: Chillwhale
graph TD
    subgraph Source_Chain_Ethereum[Ethereum]
        User[User 👤] -->|burn 🔥| HypERC20
        HypERC20[HypERC20] .->|bridging| HypLSP7Collateral
    subgraph Destination_Chain_LUKSO[LUKSO]
        HypLSP7Collateral -->|unlock 🔓 + transfer| LSP7


Scenario 3: LSP7 on LUKSO (CHILL) -> HypERC20 on Ethereum

The LSP7 token was originally created and deployed on LUKSO (e.g: Chillwhale, FABS, etc...).

The user transfers the LSP7 token to its HypLSP7Collateral contract on LUKSO where it is locked. The HypERC20 token on Ethereum is then minted for the user.

graph TD
    subgraph Source_Chain_LUKSO[LUKSO]
        User[User 👤] -->|transfer ➡️| LSP7
        LSP7 -->|transfer + lock 🔒| HypLSP7Collateral
        HypLSP7Collateral .->|bridging| HypERC20

    subgraph Destination_Chain_Ethereum[Ethereum]
        HypERC20 -->|mint ⛏️| End_User
        End_User[User 👤]

The flow of functions being called is as follow:

  1. user approves the HypLSP7Collateral to spend x amount of CHILL tokens
  2. user calls transferRemote(uint32,address,uint256) on HypLSP7Collateral
  uint32 destination, // chain ID
  address recipient,
  uint256 amount

Scenario 4: HypLSP7 on LUKSO (wUSDC) -> ERC20 on Ethereum

An ERC20 token was bridged from Ethereum to LUKSO and we want to bridge back to Ethereum (e.g: wrapped DAI as HypLSP7).

This HypLSP7 token is burnt on LUKSO, on Ethereum it is unlocked.

graph TD
    subgraph Source_Chain_LUKSO[LUKSO]
        User[User 👤] -->|burn 🔥| HypLSP7
        HypLSP7 .->|bridging| HypERC20Collateral

    subgraph Destination_Chain_Ethereum[Ethereum]
        HypERC20Collateral -->|unlock 🔓| LSP7
        LSP7 -->|transfer ➡️| End_User[User 👤]

Detailed Architecture Diagrams

Notes: in the architecture diagram below:

  • The Yaho contracts handle the dispatching and batching of messages across chains.
  • The Yaru contracts ensures that the messages are properly executed on the destination chain by calling relevant functions like onMessage. For more infos, see the Key Contracts section on the Hashi Alliance docs.

Ethereum -> LUKSO

Note: This detailed diagram corresponds to the scenario 1 above. Where an ERC20 token that initially exists on Ethereum (e.g: DAI, USDC, etc...) is bridged to LUKSO.

Ethereum to LUKSO bridge flow

on Ethereum chain

  1. User transfer ERC20 tokens to HypERC20Collateral. This locks the tokens in the collateral contract.
  2. HypERC20Collateral contract calls Mailbox to pass the message via the transferRemote(...) function. (Internally, the functions __Router_dispatch(..) -> mailbox.dispatch(...) are called to dispatch the message to the mailbox).
  3. The Mailbox calls:
    • 3.1. the default Hook (created by Hyperlane),
    • 3.2. and the Hashi Hook (created by CCIA team).
  4. Hashi Hook dispatch the token relaying message from Yaho contracts.

Off chain

  1. Hashi relayer (managed by CCIA team) listen for events from Yaho contracts and request the reporter contracts to relay token relaying message.
  2. Hashi executor (managed by CCIA team) listen to event from each Hashi adapter contracts and call Yaru.executeMessages. This step checks whether the Hashi adapters agree on a specify message id (a threshold number of hash is stored), and set the message Id to verified status.
  3. Validator (run by Hyperlane & LUKSO team) will sign the Merkle root when new dispatches happen in Mailbox.
  4. Hyperlane relayer (run by Hyperlane team) relays the message by calling Mailbox.process(...).

on LUKSO chain

  1. When Mailbox.process(...) is called, it will:
  • 8.1. check with Multisig ISM (includes Hashi ISM), whether the message is signed by validators & verified by Hashi ISM.
  • 8.2. If so, it will mint HypLSP7 tokens to the receiver.

LUKSO -> Ethereum

Note: This detailed diagram corresponds to the scenario 4 above. Where an ERC20 token was bridged from Ethereum to LUKSO and we want to bridge back to Ethereum (e.g: wrapped DAI as HypLSP7).

LUKSO to Ethereum bridge flow

on LUKSO chain

Step 1 to 3 needs to be confirmed

  1. User transfers LSP7 token to HypLSP7 contract and the tokens are burnt.
  2. HypLSP7 contract calls Mailbox to pass the message.
  3. Mailbox calls Default Hook (created by Hyperlane) and Hashi Hook (created by CCIA team).
  4. Hashi Hook dispatches the token relaying message from Yaho contracts.

Off chain

  1. Off chain process remains the same as before, except there is no Light Client support for Hashi from LUKSO → Ethereum.

on Ethereum chain

  1. When Mailbox.process() is called:
    • 5.1. it will check with Multisig ISM (includes Hashi ISM), whether the message is signed by validators & verified by Hashi ISM.
    • 5.2. If so, it will unlock ERC20 token to the receiver on the Ethereum chain.

Relevant links & resources