Prometheus Pushgateway admin tool.
Prometheus Pushgateway admin tool
pushgateway-admin [command]
Available Commands:
clean Clean stale metrics
delete Delete all metrics in group
help Help about any command
metrics Returns all metrics
post Send metrics to group via POST method
put Send metrics to group via PUT method
status Returns status
wipe Delete all metrics in all groups
-h, --help help for pushgateway-admin
-p, --pretty Enable pretty print
-t, --timeout uint Pushgateway timeout (default 5)
-u, --url string Pushgateway URL
Clean stale metrics
pushgateway-admin clean [flags]
-n, --dry-run Enable dry-run mode
-g, --group strings Grouping key (label=value,...)
-s, --sleep uint Sleep before exit (sec)
-l, --stale uint Stale metrics threshold (sec) (default 300)
Delete all metrics in group
pushgateway-admin delete [flags]
-g, --group strings Grouping key (label=value,...)
Returns all metrics
pushgateway-admin metrics [flags]
POST works exactly like the PUT but only metrics with the same name as the newly pushed metrics are replaced.
pushgateway-admin post [flags]
-g, --group strings Grouping key (label=value,...)
-h, --help help for post
-m, --metric string Metric
-f, --metric-file string Read metrics from file
PUT is used to push a group of metrics. All metrics with the grouping key are replaced by the metrics pushed with put.
pushgateway-admin put [flags]
-g, --group strings Grouping key (label=value,...)
-h, --help help for put
-m, --metric string Metric
-f, --metric-file string Read metrics from file
Returns status
pushgateway-admin status [flags]
Delete all metrics in all groups
pushgateway-admin wipe [flags]
$ ./ start
$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=sh --network=pushgateway_default lystor/pushgateway-admin
$ pushgateway-admin status --url http://pushgateway:9091 --pretty
$ cat << EOF > /tmp/metrics.txt
# TYPE m1 counter
m1{l1="v1",l2="v2"} 1
# TYPE m2 gauge
# HELP m2 Metric m2 description
m2{l1="v1"} 2
m3 3
$ pushgateway-admin put --url http://pushgateway:9091 --group=job=j1,instance=i1 --metric-file /tmp/metrics.txt
Request: PUT /metrics/job/j1/instance/i1
Response: status_code=202 duration=851.295µs
$ pushgateway-admin post --url http://pushgateway:9091 --group=job=j1,instance=i2 --metric="m4 4"
Request: POST /metrics/job/j1/instance/i1
Response: status_code=202 duration=843.305µs
$ echo "m5 5" | pushgateway-admin post --url http://pushgateway:9091 --group=job=j1,instance=i2
Request: POST /metrics/job/j1/instance/i1
Response: status_code=202 duration=793.901µs
$ cat << EOF | pushgateway-admin post --url http://pushgateway:9091 --group=job=j1,instance=i2
# TYPE m6 counter
m6{l1="v1"} 6
# TYPE m7 gauge
# HELP m7 Metric m7 description
m7 7
$ pushgateway-admin metrics --url http://pushgateway:9091 --pretty
$ pushgateway-admin delete --url http://pushgateway:9091 --group=job=j1,instance=i2
Request: DELETE /metrics/job/j1/instance/i2
Response: status_code=202 duration=808.459µs
$ pushgateway-admin clean --url http://pushgateway:9091 --group=job=j1 --stale=60 --dry-run
$ pushgateway-admin wipe --url http://pushgateway:9091
Request: PUT /api/v1/admin/wipe
Response: status_code=202 duration=1.397993ms
$ ./ stop
$ ./ build
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