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Species divergence in gut-restricted bacteria of social bees

This document is a walkthrough of the methods and code for comparative analysis of the bee gut restricted bacteria, Gilliamella and Snodgrassella genomes. In the paper, we (1) annotated the genomes; (2) performed ortholog assignment and constructed phylogenetic trees; (3) measured gene flow based on PopCOGenT, and (4) performed functional enrichment analysis using anvi'o. Genomes and results of major steps are available on Zenodo:

1 - Gene Annotation

1.1 - Annotation using anvi'o db

# Genomes can be download from Zenodo
# Install anvio version 7  
# Make a list of genome names    
ls *.fna | perl -ne '@a=split/\./; print "$a[0]\n";' > 

# make anvio dbs and gene annotation
cat | while read i
 echo $i

 echo "step a: rename fasta files"
 anvi-script-reformat-fasta $i\.fna -o $i\-fixed.fa -l 0 --simplify-names
 mv $i\-fixed.fa $i\.fa

 echo "step b: contigs -> database; predict ORF"
 anvi-gen-contigs-database -f $i\.fa -o $i\.db -n "Snodgrassella" # or Gilliamella for Gilliamella genomes

 echo "step c: run HMMs"
 anvi-run-hmms -c $i\.db --num-threads 20

 echo "step d: run NCBI COGs"
 anvi-run-ncbi-cogs -c $i\.db --num-threads 20 --sensitive
 echo "step e: export gff files"
 anvi-get-sequences-for-gene-calls -c $i\.db --export-gff3 -o $i\.gff
 echo "step f: annotate 16S rRNA genes"
 anvi-get-sequences-for-hmm-hits -c $i\.db --hmm-source Ribosomal_RNAs --gene Bacterial_16S_rRNA -o $i\.16SrRNA
 echo "step g: export the protein sequences"
 anvi-get-sequences-for-gene-calls -c $i\.db --get-aa-sequences -o $i\.protein-sequences.fa
 echo "step h: annotate gene functions using EGGNOG" -i $i\.protein-sequences.fa --output $i\.protein-sequences.fa_maNOG --data_dir /PATH_TO_EGGNOG/eggnog-mapper_v2.1.2/ --cpu 32 --override
 echo "step i: annotate gene functions using KEGG"
 anvi-run-kegg-kofams -c $i\.db --kegg-data-dir /PATH_TO_KEGG_DB_FROM_ANVIO/KEGG_db -T 12
 # KEGG annotations following the tutorial on anvio

1.2 - CRISPR annotation using CRISPRCasFinder

cat | while read i | while read i
echo $i
#singularity exec -B $PWD CrisprCasFinder.simg perl /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/ -so /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/ -cf /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/CasFinder-2.0.3 -drpt /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/supplementary_files/repeatDirection.tsv -rpts /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/supplementary_files/Repeat_List.csv -cas -def G -out ./crispr_out/$i -in $i\.fa -cpuMacSyFinder 8 1> ./crispr_out/$i.1.log 2> ./crispr_out/$i.2.log 

1.3 - CAZYme annotation using DBCan2

# note that the ortholog.all.protein.fasta is from step 2 ortholog assignment
python ortholog.all.protein.fasta protein --out_dir output --dia_cpu 30 --hmm_cpu 30 --tf_cpu 30 --dia_cpu 30 --hotpep_cpu 30

2 - Ortholog assignment and tree building

2.1 - Ortholog assignment

# the create external genome file with path to each genome db (details here:
anvi-gen-genomes-storage -e external-genomes.txt -o GGENOMES.db

# ortholog assignment
anvi-pan-genome -g GGENOMES.db --project-name "G_genomes" --output-dir GGENOMES --num-threads 50 --mcl-inflation 10

# export all annotated coding sequences and protein sequences:
anvi-get-sequences-for-gene-clusters -p GGENOMES/G_genomes-PAN.db -g GGENOMES.db -o ortholog.all.dna.fasta --report-DNA-sequences --max-num-genes-from-each-genome 1000
anvi-get-sequences-for-gene-clusters -p GGENOMES/G_genomes-PAN.db -g GGENOMES.db -o ortholog.all.protein.fasta --max-num-genes-from-each-genome 1000

# export ortholog assignment and functions in a table (these files are available on Zenodo:
anvi-script-add-default-collection -p GGENOMES/G_genomes-PAN.db
anvi-summarize -p GGENOMES/G_genomes-PAN.db -g GGENOMES.db -C DEFAULT -o PAN_SUMMARY

2.2 - Phylogenetic tree construction

For Snodgrassella:

/PATH_TO_IQ_TREE/iqtree-2.1.2-Linux/bin/iqtree2 -s concate.list.fasta -o Kingella_denitrificans_NA,Neisseria_meningitidis_NA -T AUTO -B 1000 

For Gilliamella:

/PATH_TO_IQ_TREE/iqtree-2.1.2-Linux/bin/iqtree2 -s outgroups_concate.list.fasta -o Frischella_Ac13_Acerana,Frischella_DSM104328_Amellifera,Frischella_ESL0167_Amellifera,Frischella_PEB0191_Amellifera,Orbus_IPMB12_Zatratus,Orbus_hercynius_Sscrofa,Schmidhempelia_bombi_Bimpatiens -T 50 -B 1000

3 - Measuring gene flow based on PopCOGenT

3.1 - PopCOGenT

PopCOGenT can be installed from here:

Results can be downloaded from Zenodo (

3.2 - Simulation

# extract the distance information from PopCOGenT
cut -f 1,2,3 Gilliamella.length_bias.txt | perl -ne 'chomp; s/\t/ /; print "$_\n"; ' > RAxML_distances.dist 

# create a list of genomes
less -S Gilliamella.length_bias.txt | perl -ne '@a=split; print "$a[0]\n$a[1]\n";' | sort | uniq > sample.txt

# convert distance in column format to a Phylip distance matrix (using this script

# make a tree based on the distance matrix using BIONJ_linux (

# use seq-gen to simulate sequences based on the tree without recombination
# GC content and sequence length are based on Snodgrassella wkB2
seq-gen -mGTR -l2527978 -n1 -f0.294,0.207,0.206,0.293 -of < matrix_sample.tree > simulation.fasta

# GC content and sequence length are based on Gilliamella wkB1
seq-gen -mGTR -l3139412 -n1 -f0.333,0.167,0.169,0.331 -of < matrix_sample.tree > simulation.fasta 

4 - Functional enrichment for each population using anvi'o

anvi-get-enriched-functions-per-pan-group -p GGENOMES/G_genomes-PAN.db -g GGENOMES.db --category-variable AmAc_apis_apicola --annotation-source KeggGhostKoala -o funcEnrich.AmAcApisApicola_KeggGhostKoala.txt --functional-occurrence-table-output funcEnrich.AmAcApisApicola_KeggGhostKoala.frequency.txt --exclude-ungrouped
anvi-get-enriched-functions-per-pan-group -p GGENOMES/G_genomes-PAN.db -g GGENOMES.db --category-variable AmAc_apis_apicola --annotation-source 'IDENTITY' --include-gc-identity-as-function -o funcEnrich.AmAcApisApicola_orthologs.txt --functional-occurrence-table-output funcEnrich.AmAcApisApicola_orthologs.frequency.txt --exclude-ungrouped

5 - Assign Snodgrassella genes to essential or beneficial

AmB_shared_genes.list is the list of genes only shared by A. mellifera- and Bombus-derived Snodgrassella genomes. Apis_shared_genes.list is the list of genes only shared by A. mellifera- and other Apis-derived Snodgrassella genomes.

5.1 - Essential genes:

# extract cds sequences based on gene IDs from Powell et al. 2016 PNAS
perl GCF_000600005.1_ASM60000v1_cds_from_genomic.fna gene_list_essential.txt gene_list_essential.fasta

# BLAST annotated wkB2 genes in this study to the genes from NCBI
blastn -db gene_list_essential.fasta -query S_wkB2_Amellifera.fasta -out blast_essential.out -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt "6 qlen slen qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore" -num_alignments 1 -perc_identity 99

# removed short fragments in the alignment
awk '($6 > 88){print}' blast_essential.out > blast_essential.out.filter_88bp

# combine the gene IDs and the essential gene list
perl S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID.list blast_essential.out.filter_88bp S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID_powellID.essential_list

# combine the gene functions
perl S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID_powellID.essential_list ortholog.table.col.sort powellID_essential.heatmap.input 

# the useful output with gene family and functional information is: S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID_powellID.essential_list

5.2 - Beneficial genes:

# extract cds sequences based on gene IDs from Powell et al. 2016 PNAS
perl GCF_000600005.1_ASM60000v1_cds_from_genomic.fna gene_list_beneficial.txt gene_list_beneficial.fasta

# BLAST annotated wkB2 genes in this study to the genes from NCBI
blastn -db gene_list_beneficial.fasta -query S_wkB2_Amellifera.fasta -out blast_beneficial.out -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt "6 qlen slen qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore" -num_alignments 1 -perc_identity 99

# removed short fragments in the alignment
awk '($6 > 88){print}' blast_beneficial.out > blast_beneficial.out.filter_88bp

# combine the gene IDs and the beneficial gene list
perl S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID.list blast_beneficial.out.filter_88bp S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID_powellID.beneficial_list

# combine the gene functions
perl S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID_powellID.beneficial_list ortholog.table.col.sort powellID_beneficial.heatmap.input 

# the useful output with gene family and functional information is: S_wkB2_Amellifera.GC_geneID_powellID.beneficial_list


Li Y., Leonard S.P., Powell J.E. Moran N.A., 2021.