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EIE1 FPGA Lab : 2016 Spring

The goals of this lab are to:

  • Further develop experience with EDA tools (such as Quartus), and understand the different processes it applies and the types of analysis it performs.

  • Put a few more of the concepts from digital logic into practise, in particular with the relationship between sequential logic and combinational logic.

  • Be able to independently solve problems with toolchains, and use documentation for tools.

  • Work with digital logic in a real FPGA, as well as simulations of that digital logic.

  • Deal with and resolve uncertainty in specifications.

This is a short lab with just four sessions, so you are advised to read the specification before lab, and also do any necessary planning or high-level design before-hand.

This document

The online document is the lab specification, and it is a "live" specification. There may well be errors in it (though not intentionally), or questions about what it means. If you have suggestions for how to improve it, you are encouraged to:

  • Raise an issue via github:

    • What is the problem?
    • What did you expect to happen or want to do?
    • What methods have you tried, and how did they fail?
    • Do you already know what the solution is?
  • Discuss any issues already on github:

    • add useful information you have found
    • suggest solutions that worked for you
    • usefully contribute in any other way
  • Submit a pull request if you think you have a good solution or contribution.

This is not a substitute for talking to GTAs, or trying to solve problems yourself (mainly as it is a slower feed-back process). The goal is to constructively criticise and improve a specification when needed, and to develop the skills needed to both report problems, and to help in their solution.

Why is this in git?

You can view this specification as a web-site that you visit to read, or as a repository that you clone into a local repository which you do your own work in.

While revision control knowledge is not the main aim of this lab, as computer engineers you may find it useful to look at this way of working, and learn about what it is.

My main suggestions if you want to work with a repository are:

  • be careful about "cleaning" your project before checking things in, to get rid of large binary files.
  • only check in binary outputs like ".sof" files when you reach a milestone "known-good" version. For example, you may want a directory called "golden" where you put copies of the bit-files when they are working.
  • github accounts are public by default, so if you want a remote repository then either get a student account, or use another provider like bitbucket that supports private repositories.

Working with normal methods (USB sticks, DropBox, home directories) is perfectly fine too, but you need a way of:

  • capturing projects and outputs in "known-good" stages (numbered zip files?)
  • documenting progress towards design goals (logbook?)
  • capturing design goals and decisions as they are made (logbook?)
  • moving projects between machines (DropBox?)
  • sharing work between partners (email?)
  • recording activity by both partners (logbook?)

Background knowledge

You have all completed the Autumn lab, so have experience with design entry and logic simulation using Quartus.

You have also completed Digital Logic I last term, so should be familiar with the concepts of:

  • Combinational logic: and, or, not, ...
  • Building truth tables from logic
  • Adders and counters
  • Sequential logic, in particular the D Flip-Flip
  • Finite state machines

Target platform

The target platform is the DE0 from Terasic. The computational heart of the device is a Cyclone III EP3C16F484C6 FPGA. The part number can be decoded as:

  • EP3C : indicates this is from the Cyclone III family
  • EP3C16 : the specific configuration of the device, describing the number of compute resources it contains
  • F484 : the package and pin-configuration of the device
  • C6 : the speed-grade of the device

The Cyclone III is an older device, and Altera have now deprecated it. So you will need to use the older of the two versions of Quartus installed in the lab.

The FPGA architecture is described in the Cyclone III handbook with the main components of interest for this lab being:

  • Logic elements (section 2 of the handbook) : primitive elements containing a look-up table for combinational logic, and a flip-flop for sequential logic.
  • Pins (section 6) : the things that allow the FPGA to communicate with the outside world. These are surprisingly complicated, but we can ignore most of the details except for which pin is connected to what peripheral.
  • Clock trees (section 5) : a method for taking one clock signal and efficiently distributing it to many hundreds or thousands of clock sequential elements. We will rely on this, but not think too much about it.

There are also block RAMs and DSP blocks, but we will not explicitly make use of them in this lab.

The DE0 platform is a teaching platform developed by Altera as part of their university programme, so it contains a wide spectrum of input and output devices, including:

  • a four-digit 7-segment display
  • 10 LEDs
  • 10 toggle switches
  • 3 pushbutton switches (de-bounced)
  • A USB-blaster interface for communicating with a PC
  • A 50 MHz clock generator

The DE0 manual is available here or on the Terasic web-site. The manual describes many useful details of the board, including how pins on the device are linked to the different peripherals.


  1. Glue logic : This is a very simple task to get something up and running on the FPGA.

  2. Blinkenlights : Here the notion of clocks and state is introduced in a very simple way.

  3. Pipelined multiplier : An exploration of the interaction between registers and combinatorial logic, and the resulting implications for latency (execution time) and throughput (clock-rate).

  4. Stopwatch : A more complicated task involving user interaction and free-running components, requiring some thought about heirarchical design and testing and integration of components.

You may complete all the exercises before the last lab session. If so, you are encouraged to add extensions, which add functionality, or improve the interface. Just make sure you don't break existing functionality while doing so.


You will be orally assessed on this lab (specific topic and setup to be given later), and will need to be able to talk about:

  • Design: how did you approach the problem of developing the more complex designs, and what methods did you use to make sure the solution would work?
  • Implementation: do the solutions work, and can they be shown to work. If they don't work, are the failure cases known and understood?
  • Understanding: what are the general implications of the experiments in a wider sense; for example, can you show a more general understanding of modular design or pipelining?
  • Team-work: what processes were used to make sure that both partners were (or at least could be) involved in design and implementation? Were there any examples of contributing to the larger team (EIE1) in a useful way?

Make sure you document your progress and decisions as you go; you should be able to demonstrate that your solutions are functional because you worked intelligently and applied good practises, not just because you worked hard and/or got lucky.