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214 lines (181 loc) · 5.98 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (181 loc) · 5.98 KB


Websocket API

The application employs a websocket server to enable communication and data exchange with clients. Some endpoints are implemented as HTTP for ease of use, these require an HTTP Get request rather than a websocket connnection.

Name Endpoint Data Type Description
Root / JSON Bi-directional server status and control commands
Metrics /metrics JSON Server metrics
Video Stream /raw-video Bytes MJPG video stream
Health Check /health Text Health check endpoint(HTTP)
Image Snapshot /snapshot Bytes Image snapshot, updates every second(HTTP)
Configuration /config JSON System Configuration(HTTP)


The server broadcasts a status heartbeat every second, or on a server state change to all clients connected to the root endpoint.

    "timeStamp": 1635802554,
    "state": "on",
    "initialAlarm": 0.0,
    "silencedTill": null,
Field Description Unit
timeStamp Unix timestamp since the epoch s
state Current system state("on", "off", "alarm", "silenced")
initialAlarm Unix timestamp since initial alert was raised s
silencedTill Unix timestamp till silence lifts, else null s


The requested current application configuration is returned in the format below.

    "server": {
        "host_name": "localhost",
        "timezone": "Pacific/Auckland",
        "websocket_port": 9876,
        "webserver_port": 9001
    "camera": {
        "url": ""
    "flags": {
        "config_path": "test_config.toml",
        "silent": false,
        "log_level": "debug",
        "test": false,
        "file": "null"
    "processing": {
        "fps": 2,
        "avg_weighting": 0.5,
        "dilation_iterations": 0,
        "fixed_lvl_threshold": 5,
        "gauss_ksize": 13,
        "pixel_threshold_hi": 10000,
        "pixel_threshold_lo": 0
    "alerting": {
        "start_time": "16:55",
        "end_time": "16:54",
        "alert_time_s": 360,
        "min_movement_s": 2,
        "initial_alarm_duration_m": 30,
        "alarm_hysteresis_s": 60
    "alerters": {
        "siren": {
            "enabled": true,
            "ssh_host": "",
            "ssh_key_path": "app/alert_plugins/common/keys/id_rsa",
            "ssh_user": "user",
            "test_grp": true
        "telegram": {
            "api_key": "1234567890:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "chat_ids": [
                "11111111", "22222222"
            "enabled": true,
            "test_grp": true
    "monitoring": null


All commands follow the generic JSON template below

    "command": "command name",
    "data": {
        "x": "y"

Succesful commands are responded with a success message.

    "status": "OK"

Failed command responses follow the template below.

    "error": "error message"


Command to request that all alarms are silenced for n seconds.

    "command": "silence",
    "data": {
        "silenceFor": 180

Test Alerts

Command to test alert plugins, a list of excluded plugin names can be supplied, these will not be called in the alert test.

    "command": "test",
    "data": {
        "excluded": ["telegram"]

Configuration Update

Command to update the applications running configuration.

    "command": "config_update",
    "data": {
        "config": {
            "server": {
            "host_name": "localhost",
            "timezone": "Pacific/Auckland",
            "websocket_port": 9876,
            "webserver_port": 9001
            "camera": {
                "url": ""


Command to request a server shutdown.

    "command": "shutdown",
    "data": {"shutdownIn": 0}


Server metrics are broadcast every second to clients connected to the metrics endpoint.

  "timeStamp": 1635298375.525463,
  "sysCpuPercent": 7.7,
  "sysMemPercent": 1.2656211853027344,
  "capCpuPercent": 11.7,
  "capMemPercent": 0.7632732391357422,
  "socketConnections": 4,
  "loopAvgS": 0.004583304933332973,
  "loopMaxS": 0.007386695999997528,
  "loopMinS": 0.0036263889999901266
Field Description Unit
timeStamp Unix timestamp since the epoch s
sysCpuPercent CPU utilization of the main process %
sysMemPercent Memory utilization of the main process %
capCpuPercent CPU utilization of the detection process %
capMemPercent Memory utilization of the detection process %
socketConnections Current number of TCP connections
loopAvgS Average duration of the detection processing s
loopMaxS Maximum duration of the detection processing s
loopMinS Minimum duration of the detection processing s