A Generic type is connected to other type and indentifies what other type would be. So that Typescript would give better support. Constraints define the rules for Generic types.
Two ways to define constraints
extends keyword is used to define constraints for Generic types. It is used to specify that the Generic type must be a subtype of the specified type.
keyof operator is used to define constraints for Generic types. It is used to specify that the Generic type must be a key of the specified type.
function merge<T extends object, U extends object>(a: T, b: U) {
return Object.assign(a, b);
const mergedResult = merge({ name: "" }, { age: 18 });
// To explicitly specify the types of Generics
const mergedResult2 = merge<{ name: string }, { age: number }>(
{ name: "john" },
{ age: 34 }
Generic classes are classes that can work with various types. Generic classes are useful when a class can work with multiple types of data.
type LifeParams = {
length: number;
interface LifoReturn {
isEmpty(): boolean;
get size(): number;
class Lifo<U extends LifeParams> implements LifoReturn {
private memory: U[] = [];
isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.memory.length === 0;
constructor(...args: U[]) {
this.memory = args;
get size(): number {
return this.memory.length;
remove() {
return this.memory.pop();
insert(item: U) {
const lifo = new Lifo("str", "str 2");
lifo.insert("str 3");
Generic interfaces are interfaces that can work with various types. Generic interfaces are useful when an interface can work with multiple types of data.
interface LifoReturn<T> {
isEmpty(): boolean;
get size(): number;
remove(): T | undefined;
insert(item: T): void;
When you want to receive key of object as parameter use keyof operator(only work in typescript) or create generic type using keyof operator with extends keyword
function logKey<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: U) {
function logKey2<T extends object>(obj: T, key: keyof T) {
logKey({ name: "", age: 34, info: "" }, "age");
function logProd(
prod: { title: string; desc: string },
key: keyof typeof prod
) {}
{ title: "test product", desc: "Description for test product" },