Gutter synthesis, a physical ish synth using coupled duffing oscillators resonating through a modal synthesis type of physical modelling system.
Gutter Synth was originally written in Max/Java and designed by Tom Mudd.
It was ported to C++ and SuperCollider by Scott Carver and Mads Kjeldgaard and a number of optimizations and changes were made in the process. See the help file for more information.
Instructions for most systems:
- Download one of the prebuilt releases. Choose the one that fits your operating system.
- Unzip the contents in your extensions directory (If you don't know where this is, open up SuperCollider and evaluate
- the path will be posted in the post window). - Recompile class library.
For users of Linux distributions based on Arch Linux, it is possible to install using an AUR helper:
paru -S supercollider-guttersynth-git
- CMake >= 3.5
- SuperCollider source code
Clone the project:
git clone
cd guttersynth-sc
mkdir build
cd build
Then, use CMake to configure, build and install to your extensions directory:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSC_PATH=../supercollider -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/extensions
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
It's expected that the SuperCollider repo is cloned at ../supercollider
relative to this repo. If
it's not: change the option to wherever the source code is: -DSC_PATH=/path/to/sc/source
Thank you:
- Tom Mudd for the original de# Java.
- Jatin Chowdhury for the oversampling code.