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103 lines (73 loc) · 7.49 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (73 loc) · 7.49 KB

The config is in config/lfm.php.


Key Type Description
use_package_routes boolean Use routes from package or not. If false, you will need to define routes to all controllers of this package.
middlewares array Middlewares to be applied to default routes. For laravel 5.1 and before, remove 'web' from the array.
url_prefix string The url prefix to this package. Change it if necessary.

Multi-User Mode:

Key Type Description
allow_multi_user boolean If true, private folders will be created for each signed-in user.
allow_share_folder boolean If true, share folder will be created.
user_field string Private folders will be named by this. Can receive column name of users table or class name.

If you want to name private folders other than columns of users table, follow these steps:

  1. Run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_handler.
  2. Fill App\Handler\ConfigHandler::class into user_field.
  3. Edit userField() in the App\Handler\ConfigHandler

Working Directory:

Key Type Description
base_directory string Which folder to store files in project, fill in 'public', 'resources', 'storage' and so on. Does not support path relative path like ../public_html or public/upload/user/.
images_folder_name string Does not support path relative path like ../public_html or public/upload/user/.
files_folder_name string Does not support path relative path like ../public_html or public/upload/user/.
shared_folder_name string Does not support path relative path like ../public_html or public/upload/user/.
thumb_folder_name string Does not support path relative path like ../public_html or public/upload/user/.

Startup Views:

Key Type Description
images_startup_view string The default display type for images. Supported: "grid", "list".
files_startup_view string The default display type for files. Supported: "grid", "list".

Upload / Validation:

Key Type Description
disk (Alpha version only) string Correspond to disks section in config/filesystems.php.
rename_file string If true, the uploaded file will be renamed to uniqid() + file extension.
alphanumeric_filename string If true, non-alphanumeric file name will be replaced with _.
alphanumeric_directory boolean If true, non-alphanumeric folder name will be rejected.
should_validate_size boolean If true, the size of uploading file will be verified.
max_image_size int Specify max size of uploading image.
max_file_size int Specify max size of uploading file.
should_validate_mime boolean If true, the mime type of uploading file will be verified.
valid_image_mimetypes array Array of mime types. Available since v1.3.0 .
should_create_thumbnails boolean If true, thumbnails will be created for faster loading.
raster_mimetypes array Array of mime types. Thumbnails will be created only for these mimetypes.
create_folder_mode int Permission setting for folders created by this package.
create_file_mode int Permission setting for files uploaded to this package.
should_change_file_mode boolean If true, it will attempt to chmod the file after upload
valid_file_mimetypes array Array of mime types. Available since v1.3.0 .

Thumbnail dimensions:

Key Type Description
thumb_img_width string Width of thumbnail made when image is uploaded.
thumb_img_height string Height of thumbnail made when image is uploaded.

File Extension Information

Key Type Description
file_type_array array Map file extension with display names.
file_icon_array array Map file extension with icons(font-awsome).

php.ini override

Key Type Description
php_ini_overrides array or boolean These values override your php.ini settings before uploading files. Set these to false to ingnore and apply your php.ini settings


The php_ini_overrides are applied on every request the filemanager does and are reset once the script has finished executing. This has one drawback: any ini settings that you might want to change that apply to the request itself will not work.

For example, overriding these settings will not work:

  • upload_max_filesize
  • post_max_size

Why this is expected behaviour: upload_max_filesize and post_max_size will get set but uploaded files are already passed to your PHP script before the settings are changed.