Elaboration in Magia is the process of generating SystemVerilog code from Magia modules.
Magia provides Elaborator
for a simple elaboration flow.
During the elaboration, Magia will check the correctness of the design and raise exceptions if any.
Submodules instantiated under the top modules will be elaborated as well. Therefore, the elaborated results may contain multiple modules.
provides multiple methods, which suits different use cases.
: return all elaborated SystemVerilog code as a string.to_dict
: return elaborated SystemVerilog code as a dictionary, in the form of{"module_name": "sv_code"}
: write all elaborated SystemVerilog code to a single file.to_files
: write elaborated SystemVerilog code to a directory.
All elaboration methods accept a list of modules as input. Multiple modules can be elaborated at the same time.
from magia import Module, Elaborator
class Adder(Module):
def __init__(self, width, **kwargs):
Elaborator.to_string(Adder(width=8), Adder(width=16), ...)
The name of the top module can be specified by the name
parameter in the constructor.
e.g. TopModeule(name="my_top")
results in
module my_top(
The Elaborator generates unique name for each module if it is not specified.
Each specialized module (Module(param=123,...)
) is written to an individual file when using Elaborator.to_files()
The file name is the module name with .sv
You can specify the output file name, and grouping multiple modules under the same class, by using the file
from magia import Module, Elaborator
class Adder(Module): ...
class Multiplier(...): ...
Elaborator.to_files("output", Adder(10), Adder(16), Multiplier(10), Multiplier(16)) # Results in a file tree
# output/adder.sv: "Adder_0, Adder_1"
# output/mult.sv: "Multiplier_0, Multiplier_1"
Given the following design:
from magia import Module, Elaborator
class SubModule(Module):
class TopModule(Module):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
s1 = SubModule(param=123).instance()
s2 = SubModule(param=456).instance()
# Elaborate SystemVerilog code
Elaborator.elaborate____(TopModule(param1=1, param2=2))
# result is a string containing the code for "TopModule", "SubModule(param=123)" and "SubModule(param=456)"
result = Elaborator.to_string(TopModule(param1=1, param2=2, name="TopModule"))
Elaborator.to_file("/tmp/output.sv", TopModule(param1=1, param2=2, name="TopModule"))
$ cat /tmp/output.sv
module TopModule(
module SubModule_0(
module SubModule_1(
result = Elaborator.to_dict(TopModule(param1=1, param2=2, name="TopModule"))
result = {
"TopModule": "SV Code for TopModule(...)",
"SubModule_0": "SV Code for SubModule(param=123)",
"SubModule_1": "SV Code for SubModule(param=456)",
contains the files for each modules, and return a list of the paths to the files.
files = Elaborator.to_files("/tmp/output_dir", TopModule(param1=1, param2=2, name="TopModule"))
files = [