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Model archiver for MMS

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A key feature of MMS is the ability to package all model artifacts into a single model archive file. It is a separate command line interface (CLI), model-archiver, that can take model checkpoints and package them into a .mar file. This file can then be redistributed and served by anyone using MMS. It takes in the following model artifacts: a model composed of one or more files, the description of the model's inputs in the form of a signature file, a service file describing how to handle inputs and outputs, and other optional assets that may be required to serve the model. The CLI creates a .mar file that MMS's server CLI uses to serve the models.

Important: Make sure you try the Quick Start: Creating a Model Archive tutorial for a short example of using model-archiver.

MMS can support any arbitrary model file. It is the custom service code's responsibility to locate and load the model files. The following information is required to create a standalone model archive:

  1. Model name
  2. Model path
  3. Handler

Model Archiver Command Line Interface

Now let's cover the details on using the CLI tool: model-archiver.

Here is an example usage with the squeezenet_v1.1 model archive which you can download or create by following the example in the main README:

model-archiver --model-name squeezenet_v1.1 --model-path squeezenet --handler mxnet_vision_service:handle


$ model-archiver -h
usage: model-archiver [-h] --model-name MODEL_NAME --model-path MODEL_PATH
                      --handler HANDLER [--runtime {python,python2,python3}]
                      [--export-path EXPORT_PATH] [-f]

Model Archiver Tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model-name MODEL_NAME
                        Exported model name. Exported file will be named as
                        model-name.mar and saved in current working directory
                        if no --export-path is specified, else it will be
                        saved under the export path
  --model-path MODEL_PATH
                        Path to the folder containing model related files.
  --handler HANDLER     Handler path to handle custom MMS inference logic.
  --runtime {python,python2,python3}
                        The runtime specifies which language to run your
                        inference code on. The default runtime is
                        RuntimeType.PYTHON. At the present moment we support
                        the following runtimes python, python2, python3
  --export-path EXPORT_PATH
                        Path where the exported .mar file will be saved. This
                        is an optional parameter. If --export-path is not
                        specified, the file will be saved in the current
                        working directory.
  --archive-format {tgz,default}
                        The format in which the model artifacts are archived.
                        "tgz": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.tar.gz format.
                        If platform hosting MMS requires model-artifacts to be in ".tar.gz"
                        use this option.
                        "no-archive": This option creates an non-archived version of model artifacts
                        at "export-path/{model-name}" location. As a result of this choice,
                        MANIFEST file will be created at "export-path/{model-name}" location
                        without archiving these model files
                        "default": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.mar format.
                        This is the default archiving format. Models archived in this format
                        will be readily hostable on native MMS.
  -f, --force           When the -f or --force flag is specified, an existing
                        .mar file with same name as that provided in --model-
                        name in the path specified by --export-path will

Artifact Details


MAR-INF is a reserved folder name that will be used inside .mar file. This folder contains the model archive metadata files. Users should avoid using MAR-INF in their model path.


Model name

A valid model name must begin with a letter of the alphabet and can only contains letters, digits, underscores (_), dashes (-) and periods (.).

Note: The model name can be overridden when you register the model with Register Model API.

Model path

A folder that contains all necessary files needed to run inference code for the model. All the files and sub-folders (except excluded files) will be packaged into the .mar file.

excluded files

The following types of file will be excluded during model archive packaging:

  1. hidden files
  2. Mac system files: __MACOSX and .DS_Store
  3. MANIFEST.json
  4. python compiled byte code (.pyc) files and cache folder pycache


A handler is a python entry point that MMS can invoke to execute inference code. The format of a Python handler is:

  • python_module_name[:function_name] (for example: lstm-service:handle).

The function name is optional if the provided python module follows one of predefined conventions:

  1. There is a handle() function available in the module
  2. The module contains only one Class and that class contains a handle() function.

Further details and specifications are found on the custom service page.

Creating a Model Archive

1. Download these sample SqueezeNet model artifacts (if you don't have them handy)

mkdir squeezenet

curl -o squeezenet/squeezenet_v1.1-symbol.json
curl -o squeezenet/squeezenet_v1.1-0000.params
curl -o squeezenet/signature.json
curl -o squeezenet/synset.txt

The downloaded model artifact files are:

  • Model Definition (json file) - contains the layers and overall structure of the neural network.
  • Model Params and Weights (params file) - contains the parameters and the weights.
  • Model Signature (json file) - defines the inputs and outputs that MMS is expecting to hand-off to the API.
  • assets (text files) - auxiliary files that support model inference such as vocabularies, labels, etc. These vary depending on the model.

2. Download the model archiver source

git clone

3. Prepare your model custom service code

You can implement your own model customer service code with a model archive entry point. Here we are going to use the MXNet vision service model_service_template. This template is one of several provided with MMS. Download the template and place it in your squeezenet folder.

cp -r multi-model-server/examples/model_service_template/* squeezenet/

4. Package your model

With the model artifacts available locally, you can use the model-archiver CLI to generate a .mar file that can be used to serve an inference API with MMS.

In this next step we'll run model-archiver and tell it our model's prefix is squeezenet_v1.1 with the model-name argument. Then we're giving it the model-path to the model's assets.

Note: For mxnet models, model-name must match prefix of the symbol and param file name.

model-archiver --model-name squeezenet_v1.1 --model-path squeezenet --handler mxnet_vision_service:handle

This will package all the model artifacts files located in the squeezenet directory and output squeezenet_v1.1.mar in the current working directory. This .mar file is all you need to run MMS, serving inference requests for a simple image recognition API. Go back to the Serve a Model tutorial and try to run this model archive that you just created!