image: Visual Studio 2019 clone_depth: 400 environment: matrix: - PYTHON: "C:\\Python37-x64" # Should be enabled only for build process debugging # init: # - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) install: - ps: echo("OS version:") - ps: "[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version" - ps: echo("Filesystem - root:") - ps: "ls \"C:\\\"" - ps: echo("Filesystem - projects root:") - ps: "ls \"C:\\projects\\\"" - ps: echo("Filesystem - pyfa root:") - ps: "ls \"C:\\projects\\$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG\\\"" - ps: echo("Filesystem - installed SDKs:") - ps: "ls \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\\"" # Prepend newly installed Python to the PATH of this build (this cannot be # done from inside the powershell script as it would require to restart # the parent CMD process). - cmd: "SET PATH=%PYTHON%;%PYTHON%\\Scripts;%PATH%" - cmd: "python --version" - cmd: "python -c \"import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P') * 8)\"" # Upgrade to the latest version of pip to avoid it displaying warnings # about it being out of date. - cmd: "python -m pip install --upgrade pip" # Install the build dependencies of the project. If some dependencies contain # compiled extensions and are not provided as pre-built wheel packages, # pip will build them from source using the MSVC compiler matching the # target Python version and architecture - ps: echo("Install pip requirements:") # This one is needed to build wxpython 4.0.6 on windows - cmd: "python -m pip install pathlib2" - cmd: "python -m pip install -r requirements.txt" - cmd: "python -m pip install PyInstaller==3.6" before_build: # directory that will contain the built files - ps: $env:PYFA_DIST_DIR = "c:\projects\$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG\dist" - ps: $env:PYFA_VERSION = (python ./scripts/ - ps: echo("pyfa version $env:PYFA_VERSION") build_script: - ps: echo("Build pyfa:") # Build gamedata DB - cmd: "python" # Build command for PyInstaller - cmd: "python -m PyInstaller --noupx --clean --windowed --noconsole -y pyfa.spec" # Copy over manifest (See pyfa-org/pyfa#1622) - ps: xcopy /y dist_assets\win\pyfa.exe.manifest $env:PYFA_DIST_DIR\pyfa\ # InnoScript EXE building. This is in a separate script because I don't feel like copying over the logic to AppVeyor script right now... - cmd: "python dist_assets/win/" - ps: dir $env:PYFA_DIST_DIR/ after_build: - ps: "ls \"./\"" - ps: 7z a "pyfa-$" -r "$env:PYFA_DIST_DIR\pyfa\*.*" test_script: # Ha... we're just building artifacts: - path: pyfa* - path: pyfa*-win.exe deploy: tag: $(pyfa_version) release: pyfa $(pyfa_version) description: 'Release description' provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: X+U3hOAMTt7HGXCR/LXaGNF6qyhUXetrjz5+xlWiNJQ3XEdzhZZmHK75m0Hm6qre draft: true force_update: false # deploy on tag push only on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true