The bed file contains the chromosome name, start position and end position of your target region. eg. chr1 123456 223456
step2. generate the "selected.bam" by a WGS bam file (or a bam file from one specific chromosome) and the bed file.
samtools -b -L selected.bed wgs.bam > selected.bam
samtools index selected.bam
To generate the original WGS bam file for 10X or stLFR linked-reads, you can run LongRanger/EMA/BWA.
Check here for more details.
freebayes -f genome_hg19.fa wgs.bam > test_freebayes.vcf
freebayes -f genome_hg19.fa selected.bam > test_freebayes.vcf
Once you generate the selected.bam
and test_freebayes.vcf
in your working directory, you can use use it to run AquilaSV pipeline.