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This is the main implementation of e in Kotlin. It contains two main types E and EOr. It also contains definitions of decoding and encoding for these. Implementations of decoding and encoding are provided in separate modules.


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dependencies {

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libraryDependencies += "dev.akif" % "e-kotlin" % "@VERSION@"


Below are some details and examples of e-kotlin's content. For more, please check corresponding automated tests and e-kotlin's documentation.

To get started, add following import which will cover all your needs:

import e.kotlin.*

1. E

E (short for error) is the main error type used to represent an error. It is an immutable object with a fluent API. It contains following data about the error.

Field Type Description Default Value
code Int? A numeric code identifying the error null
name String? A name identifying the error, usually enum-like null
message String? A message about the error, usually human-readable null
causes List<E> Underlying cause(s) of the error, if any emptyList()
data Map<String, String> Arbitrary data related to the error as a key-value map emptyMap()
time Long? Time when this error occurred as milliseconds since Epoch null

1.1. Creating an E

An instance of E can be created by

  • directly creating an instance
  • modifying an existing instance
  • using static constructor methods
import e.kotlin.*

// res1: E = {}

val notSoEmpty = E(1, "error-name", "Error Message")
// notSoEmpty: E = {"code":1,"name":"error-name","message":"Error Message"}"test-error").message("Test")
// res2: E = {"name":"test-error","message":"Test"}

val unexpectedError = E(message = "Unexpected Error", code = -1).now()
// unexpectedError: E = {"code":-1,"message":"Unexpected Error","time":1595936239845}

val errorWithDataAndCause ="action" to "test").cause(notSoEmpty)
// errorWithDataAndCause: E = {"code":-1,"message":"Unexpected Error","causes":[{"code":1,"name":"error-name","message":"Error Message"}],"data":{"action":"test"},"time":1595936239845}

1.2. Accessing Data in E

Since E is a case class, you can directly access its fields. There are additional methods as well.

import e.kotlin.*

val databaseError ="database").code(1)
// databaseError: E = {"code":1,"name":"database"}

val error = E(message = "Cannot get user!", name = "Unknown").cause(databaseError)
// error: E = {"name":"Unknown","message":"Cannot get user!","causes":[{"code":1,"name":"database"}]}

// res4: String? = "Cannot get user!"

error.code ?: error.causes.firstOrNull()?.let { it.code }
// res5: Int? = 1

// res6: Boolean = false

1.3. Converting E

You can convert your E into an Exception or an EOr.

import e.kotlin.*

val error ="test").message("Test")
// error: E = {"name":"test","message":"Test"}

// res8: EException = {"name":"test","message":"Test"}

// res9: EOr<Int> = {"name":"test","message":"Test"}

2. EOr

EOr<A> is a container that can either be a Failure containing an E or Success containing a value of type A.

2.1. Creating an EOr

An instance of EOr can be created by

  • directly creating an instance of Failure or Success
  • modifying an existing instance
  • using static constructor methods
  • constructing from an E or a value
  • converting from other types by extension methods
import e.kotlin.*

// res11: EOr<Boolean> = {"code":0}

// res12: EOr<String> = hello

// res13: EOr.Failure = {"code":1}

// res14: EOr.Success<String> = test

// res15: EOr<Int> = {"message":"test"}

// res16: EOr<String> = hello

(true as Boolean?).toEOr(E.code(2))
// res17: EOr<Boolean> = true

(null as String?).toEOr(E.code(3))
// res18: EOr<String> = {"code":3}

2.2. Accessing Content of an EOr

The error or the value inside an EOr can be accessed safely.

import e.kotlin.*

val eor1 = E.message("test").toEOr<Int>()
// eor1: EOr<Int> = {"message":"test"}

val eor2 = "hello".toEOr()
// eor2: EOr<String> = hello

// res22: Boolean = false

// res23: E? = Some({"message":"test"})

// res24: Boolean = false

// res25: String? = Some(hello)

2.3. Working With EOr

There are many methods in EOr for modifying, composing, handling the error etc.

import e.kotlin.*

val eor1 = E.message("test").toEOr<Int>()
// eor1: EOr<Int> = {"message":"test"}

val eor2 = "hello".toEOr()
// eor2: EOr<String> = hello { it.toUpperCase() }
// res27: EOr<String> = HELLO

eor1.mapError { it.code(1) }
// res28: EOr<Int> = {"code":1,"message":"test"}

eor2.flatMap { s -> eor1 }
// res29: EOr<Int> = {"message":"test"}

eor2.filter { it.length < 3 }
// res30: EOr<String> = {"name":"filtered","message":"Condition does not hold!","data":{"value":"hello"}}

// res31: Int = 0

eor1.fold({ e -> e.code }, { i -> i }) ?: 0
// res32: Int = 0

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun makePerson(name: String, age: Int): EOr<Person> =
  EOr(name).filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.flatMap { n ->
    // custom error for filtering
    EOr(age).filter({ it > 0 }) { invalidAge ->"invalid-age").data("value" to invalidAge) }.map { a ->
      Person(n, a)

makePerson("", 5)
// res33: EOr<Person> = {"name":"filtered","message":"Condition does not hold!","data":{"value":""}}

makePerson("Akif", -1)
// res34: EOr<Person> = {"name":"invalid-age","data":{"value":"-1"}}

makePerson("Akif", 29)
// res35: EOr<Person> = Person(Akif,29)

3. Codec, Decoder and Encoder

e-kotlin provides definitions for implementing decoding/encoding mechanism for E and EOr.

  • Decoder<I, O> is for building an O (output) from an I (input) while handling the decoding failures with E
  • Encoder<I, O> is for building an O (output) from an I (input)
  • Codec<S, T> is a combination of Decoder and Encoder for an S (source) type where output of Encoder and input of Decoder is the same T (target) type