Create path with or without help of various directions API
npm install @makina-corpus/mapbox-gl-path
Working example is available at, look at development part
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({...});
const mapboxPathControl = new MapboxPathControl(parameters);
const featureCollection = mapboxPathControl.getFeatureCollection();
- parameters
languageId: AvailableLanguages | undefined;
layersCustomisation: LayersCustomisation | undefined;
featureCollection: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry> | undefined;
directionsThemes: DirectionsTheme[] | undefined;
languageId - string | undefined - default is 'en', availables languages are 'en' | 'fr'
layersCustomisation - LayersCustomisation | undefined
LayersCustomisation {
pointCircleLayerCustomisation: LayerCustomisation;
pointTextLayerCustomisation: LayerCustomisation;
lineLayerCustomisation: LayerCustomisation;
phantomJunctionLineLayerCustomisation: LayerCustomisation;
LayerCustomisation {
layout: AnyLayout;
paint: AnyPaint;
- featureCollection - GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry> | undefined
A feature can be type of Point or Linestring
Linestring can be a line between points or a phantom junction line
properties {
index: number
Line between points
properties {
index: number
isFollowingDirections: boolean
phantomJunction line
properties {
index: number
isPhantomJunction: boolean
isDeparture: boolean
- directionsThemes - DirectionsTheme[] | undefined
DirectionsTheme {
id: number;
name: string;
getPathByCoordinates: (
coordinates: number[][]
) => Promise<DirectionsThemeResponse | undefined>;
DirectionsThemeResponse {
coordinates: number[][];
waypoints: Waypoints | undefined;
Waypoints {
departure: number[];
arrival: number[];
getPathByCoordinates function return a object of type DirectionsThemeResponse with the coordinates between two points and waypoints, if necessary, to create phantomJunction lines between waypoints and points
return GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry>
featureCollection - GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry>
git clone
cd mapbox-gl-path
npm install
mapboxglToken='"MAPBOXGLTOKEN"' npm run start
npm run build