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901 lines (744 loc) · 31.4 KB

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901 lines (744 loc) · 31.4 KB

Directory Structure: └── main.zig └── raylib.zig └── shell.html

File Contents:

File: raylib.zig

pub usingnamespace @cImport({ @cInclude("raylib.h"); @cInclude("raymath.h"); @cInclude("rlgl.h"); });

File: shell.html

<!doctype html>

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Resize canvas Lock/hide mouse pointer    
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{{{ SCRIPT }}}

File: main.zig

const rl = @import("raylib.zig"); const std = @import("std");

// Define Car struct const Car = struct { texture: rl.Texture2D, position: rl.Vector2, speed: i32, };

// Define Pear struct const Pear = struct { position: rl.Vector2, velocity: rl.Vector2, lifetime: f32, };

const SCREEN_WIDTH = 800; const SCREEN_HEIGHT = 640;

fn drawGrassTexture(texture: rl.Texture2D, offset: f32, side: enum { Left, Right }) void { const x = if (side == .Left) 0 else @as(f32, @floatFromInt(@divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH * 2, 3))); rl.DrawTextureRec(texture, rl.Rectangle{ .x = 0, .y = offset, .width = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(@divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH, 3))), .height = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT)) }, rl.Vector2{ .x = x, .y = -offset }, rl.WHITE); rl.DrawTextureRec(texture, rl.Rectangle{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(@divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH, 3))), .height = offset }, rl.Vector2{ .x = x, .y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT)) - offset }, rl.WHITE); }

// Enhanced collision detection using AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box) algorithm fn checkCollisionAABB(rect1: rl.Rectangle, rect2: rl.Rectangle) bool { return rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width and rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x and rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height and rect1.y + rect1.height > rect2.y; }

// Enhanced collision detection using SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) algorithm fn checkCollisionSAT(rect1: rl.Rectangle, rect2: rl.Rectangle) bool { const axes = [_]rl.Vector2{ rl.Vector2{ .x = 1, .y = 0 }, // X-axis rl.Vector2{ .x = 0, .y = 1 }, // Y-axis };

for (axes) |axis| {
    const proj1 = projectRectangle(rect1, axis);
    const proj2 = projectRectangle(rect2, axis);

    if (!overlap(proj1, proj2)) {
        return false;

return true;


// Helper function to project a rectangle onto an axis fn projectRectangle(rect: rl.Rectangle, axis: rl.Vector2) [2]f32 { const corners = [_]rl.Vector2{ rl.Vector2{ .x = rect.x, .y = rect.y }, rl.Vector2{ .x = rect.x + rect.width, .y = rect.y }, rl.Vector2{ .x = rect.x, .y = rect.y + rect.height }, rl.Vector2{ .x = rect.x + rect.width, .y = rect.y + rect.height }, };

var min = std.math.inf(f32);
var max = -std.math.inf(f32);

for (corners) |corner| {
    const dot = corner.x * axis.x + corner.y * axis.y;
    min = @min(min, dot);
    max = @max(max, dot);

return [2]f32{ min, max };


// Helper function to check if two projections overlap fn overlap(proj1: [2]f32, proj2: [2]f32) bool { return proj1[0] <= proj2[1] and proj1[1] >= proj2[0]; }

// Enhanced collision detection with spatial partitioning using Quadtree const Quadtree = struct { bounds: rl.Rectangle, objects: std.ArrayList(rl.Rectangle), nodes: [4]?*Quadtree,

fn init(bounds: rl.Rectangle) Quadtree {
    return Quadtree{
        .bounds = bounds,
        .objects = std.ArrayList(rl.Rectangle).init(std.heap.page_allocator),
        .nodes = [4]?*Quadtree{ null, null, null, null },

fn insert(self: *Quadtree, rect: rl.Rectangle) !void {
    if (!checkCollisionAABB(rect, self.bounds)) {

    if (self.objects.items.len < 4) {
        try self.objects.append(rect);

    if (self.nodes[0] == null) {
        const subWidth = self.bounds.width / 2;
        const subHeight = self.bounds.height / 2;
        const x = self.bounds.x;
        const y = self.bounds.y;

        self.nodes[0] = try std.heap.page_allocator.create(Quadtree);
        self.nodes[0].?.* = Quadtree.init(rl.Rectangle{ .x = x, .y = y, .width = subWidth, .height = subHeight });

        self.nodes[1] = try std.heap.page_allocator.create(Quadtree);
        self.nodes[1].?.* = Quadtree.init(rl.Rectangle{ .x = x + subWidth, .y = y, .width = subWidth, .height = subHeight });

        self.nodes[2] = try std.heap.page_allocator.create(Quadtree);
        self.nodes[2].?.* = Quadtree.init(rl.Rectangle{ .x = x, .y = y + subHeight, .width = subWidth, .height = subHeight });

        self.nodes[3] = try std.heap.page_allocator.create(Quadtree);
        self.nodes[3].?.* = Quadtree.init(rl.Rectangle{ .x = x + subWidth, .y = y + subHeight, .width = subWidth, .height = subHeight });

    for (self.nodes) |node| {
        try node.?.insert(rect);

fn query(self: *Quadtree, rect: rl.Rectangle, found: *std.ArrayList(rl.Rectangle)) !void {
    if (!checkCollisionAABB(rect, self.bounds)) {

    for (self.objects.items) |obj| {
        if (checkCollisionAABB(rect, obj)) {
            try found.append(obj);

    if (self.nodes[0] != null) {
        for (self.nodes) |node| {
            try node.?.query(rect, found);


// Replace the existing collision detection in handleCarCollision with the enhanced version fn handleCarCollision(playerCar: *Car, otherCar: rl.Vector2, otherCarSize: rl.Vector2, vulnerable: *bool, lives: *i32, carCrash: rl.Sound, pears: *std.ArrayList(Pear), rand: std.Random) !void { const rec1 = rl.Rectangle{ .x = playerCar.position.x, .y = playerCar.position.y, .width = @floatFromInt(playerCar.texture.width), .height = @floatFromInt(playerCar.texture.height), };

const rec2 = rl.Rectangle{
    .x = otherCar.x,
    .y = otherCar.y,
    .width = otherCarSize.x,
    .height = otherCarSize.y,

if (checkCollisionSAT(rec1, rec2)) {
    if (vulnerable.*) {
        lives.* -= 1;
        vulnerable.* = false;

        try pears.append(Pear{
            .position = rl.Vector2{
                .x = playerCar.position.x,
                .y = playerCar.position.y,
            .velocity = rl.Vector2{
                .x = rand.float(f32) * 200 - 100,
                .y = rand.float(f32) * 100 + 50,
            .lifetime = 3.0,
    playerCar.position.y -= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(playerCar.texture.height)) - 10;


fn updateCarPosition(carPos: *rl.Vector2, carSpeed: f32, rand: std.Random, carsTextures: rl.Texture2D) void { carPos.y += carSpeed.;

if (carPos.y > @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT))) {
    carPos.y = -@as(f32, @floatFromInt(carsTextures.height));

    carPos.x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3 +
        rand.float(f32) * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3;

    carSpeed.* = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rand.intRangeAtMost(i32, 6, 10)));


fn drawGameStats(score: i32, lives: i32) !void { rl.DrawRectangle(10, 10, 100, 75, rl.SKYBLUE); rl.DrawRectangleLines(10, 10, 100, 75, rl.SKYBLUE);

rl.DrawFPS(710, 10);
rl.DrawText("Game Stats", 20, 20, 10, rl.BLACK);

var scoring: [20]u8 = undefined;
const scoreText = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&scoring, "Score: {d}/1000", .{score});
rl.DrawText(scoreText, 20, 40, 10, rl.DARKGRAY);
var livesScoring: [20]u8 = undefined;
const livesText = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&livesScoring, "Lives: {d}/9", .{lives});
rl.DrawText(livesText, 20, 60, 10, rl.DARKGRAY);


fn updatePears(pears: *std.ArrayList(Pear), deltaTime: f32) !void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < pears.items.len) { var pear = &pears.items[i]; pear.position.x += pear.velocity.x * deltaTime; pear.position.y += pear.velocity.y * deltaTime; pear.velocity.y += 500 * deltaTime; // Add gravity pear.lifetime -= deltaTime;

    if (pear.lifetime <= 0 or pear.position.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT) {
        _ = pears.swapRemove(i);
    } else {
        i += 1;


pub fn main() anyerror!void {

// Initialize window
rl.InitWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Tiny Car Game");
defer rl.CloseWindow(); // Ensure window is closed when function exits

// Initialize Audio
defer rl.CloseAudioDevice();

rl.SetTargetFPS(60); // Set target frame rate

// Load car texture
const carTexture = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/car.png");
defer rl.UnloadTexture(carTexture);

// Load pear texture
const pearTexture = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/pear.png");
defer rl.UnloadTexture(pearTexture);

// Initialize pears list
var pears = std.ArrayList(Pear).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer pears.deinit();

// // Initialize player car
var car = Car{ .texture = carTexture, .position = rl.Vector2{
    .x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 2 - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(carTexture.width)) / 2,
    .y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT)) * 3 / 5,
}, .speed = 2 };

try"Car {any}/n", .{car});
const speedMovement = 4;

// Load trees texture
const treesTexture = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/trees.png");
defer rl.UnloadTexture(treesTexture);

// Define source rectangles for trees
var sourceRects = [_]rl.Rectangle{.{
    .width = 48,
    .height = 48,
    .x = 0,
    .y = 0,
}} ** 3;
for (&sourceRects, 0..) |*rect, i| {
    rect.x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i)) * rect.width;

// Randomize positions of trees
const treesNum = rl.GetRandomValue(10, 27);
var treesPos = try std.ArrayList(rl.Vector2).initCapacity(std.heap.page_allocator, @intCast(treesNum));
defer treesPos.deinit();

var i: usize = 0;

while (i < treesNum) : (i += 1) {
    var pos = rl.Vector2{ .x = if (i < @divFloor(treesNum, 2))
        @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rl.GetRandomValue(1, SCREEN_WIDTH / 3)))
        @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rl.GetRandomValue(2 * SCREEN_WIDTH / 3, SCREEN_WIDTH))), .y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rl.GetRandomValue(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - @as(i32, treesTexture.height)))) };

    // Adjust tree position if it's too close to the edge
    if (i < @divFloor(treesNum, 2) and pos.x + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(treesTexture.width)) / 3 > @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3) {
        pos.x -= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(treesTexture.width)) / 3;
    } else if (i >= @divFloor(treesNum, 2) and pos.x + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(treesTexture.width)) / 3 > @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH))) {
        pos.x -= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(treesTexture.width)) / 3;

    try treesPos.append(pos);

// Load cars texture
const carsTextures = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/cars.png");
defer rl.UnloadTexture(carsTextures);

// Load grass texture
const grassTexture = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/grass.png");
defer rl.UnloadTexture(grassTexture);

// Variable to track grass scroll offset
var grassScrollOffset: f32 = 0;

// Load road texture
const roadTexture = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/road.png");
defer rl.UnloadTexture(roadTexture);

// Define source rectangles for cars
var sourcesRectsCars: [6]rl.Rectangle = [_]rl.Rectangle{.{ .width = 16, .height = 24, .x = 0, .y = 0 }} ** 6;
var carsPos: [6]rl.Vector2 = [_]rl.Vector2{.{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }} ** 6;
var carsSpeed: [6]f32 = [_]f32{0} ** 6;

// Initialize random number generator
var prng = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(@intCast(std.time.milliTimestamp()));
var rand = prng.random();

// Initialize cars positions and speeds
for (&sourcesRectsCars, 0..) |*rect, j| {
    rect.x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(j)) * rect.width;

    carsPos[j].x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3 +
        rand.float(f32) * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3;

    carsPos[j].y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rand.intRangeAtMost(i32, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - @as(i32, carsTextures.height))));
    carsSpeed[j] = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(rand.intRangeAtMost(i32, 6, 10)));

// Load audio
const backgroundMusic = rl.LoadMusicStream("resources/sound/speeding.mp3");
defer rl.UnloadMusicStream(backgroundMusic);

const carBrake = rl.LoadSound("resources/sound/brake.mp3");
defer rl.UnloadSound(carBrake);
rl.SetSoundVolume(carBrake, 0.3); // Set volume to 30%

const carCrash = rl.LoadSound("resources/sound/car-crash.mp3");
defer rl.UnloadSound(carCrash);
rl.SetSoundVolume(carCrash, 0.1); // Set volume to 30%

// Define rectangle covering the entire screen
const rmuteScreen = rl.Rectangle{
    .x = 0,
    .y = 0,
    .width = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)),
    .height = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT)),

// Initialize game state variables
var lives: i32 = 9;
var score: i32 = 0;
var time: f64 = 0;
var vulnerableTime: f64 = 0;
var gaveOver: bool = false;
var gameWon: bool = false;
var vulnerable: bool = true;


// Main game loop
while (!rl.WindowShouldClose()) {
    // Update game state
    if (!gaveOver) {
        const deltaTime = rl.GetFrameTime();

        // Update grass scroll offset
        grassScrollOffset += @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.speed));
        if (grassScrollOffset >= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(grassTexture.height))) {
            grassScrollOffset -= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(grassTexture.height));

        // Update pears
        try updatePears(&pears, deltaTime);

        // Handle player input
        if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_H)) {
            car.position.x = @max(car.position.x - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.speed)), @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3);
        } else if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_L)) {
            car.position.x = @min(car.position.x + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.speed)), @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) * 2 / 3 - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.texture.width)));
        } else if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_K)) {
            car.position.y = @max(car.position.y - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.speed)), 0);
        } else if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_J)) {
            car.position.y = @min(car.position.y + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.speed)), @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT)) - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.texture.height)));

        // Update trees positions
        for (treesPos.items) |*treePos| {
            treePos.y += @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.speed));
            if (treePos.y > @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_HEIGHT))) {
                treePos.y = -@as(f32, @floatFromInt(treesTexture.height));

        // Update other cars positions and check for collisions
        for (&carsPos, 0..) |*carPos, k| {
            updateCarPosition(carPos, &carsSpeed[k], rand, carsTextures);

            // Check if the player's car has passed the other cars
            if (car.position.y < carPos.y + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(carsTextures.height)) and car.position.y + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.texture.height)) > carPos.y + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(carsTextures.height))) {
                // Player's car has passed this car
                score += 1;

            try handleCarCollision(&car, carPos.*, rl.Vector2{ .x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(carsTextures.width)) / 6, .y = @floatFromInt(carsTextures.height) }, &vulnerable, &lives, carCrash, &pears, rand);

        // Handle vulnerability period after collision
        if (!vulnerable) {
            vulnerableTime += rl.GetFrameTime();
            if (vulnerableTime > 1) {
                vulnerable = true;
                vulnerableTime = 0;

        // Check for game over condition
        if (lives < 0) {
            gaveOver = true;

        // Adjust car speed based on position
        if (car.position.x < @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 3 or car.position.x + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(car.texture.width)) > @as(f32, @floatFromInt(SCREEN_WIDTH)) * 2 / 3) {
            car.speed = speedMovement / 2;
        } else {
            car.speed = speedMovement;

        // Update score
        time += rl.GetFrameTime();
        if (time > 1) {
            score += 1;
            time = 0;

        // Check for win conditionmain
        if (score > 999) {
            gameWon = true;
            gaveOver = true;

    // Play background music

    // Draw game elements
    defer rl.EndDrawing();

    rl.DrawTexture(carTexture, @divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH, 2) - @divFloor(carTexture.width, 2), @divFloor(SCREEN_HEIGHT, 2) - @divFloor(carTexture.height, 2), rl.WHITE);

    // Draw background

    // Draw grass textures
    drawGrassTexture(grassTexture, grassScrollOffset, .Left);
    drawGrassTexture(grassTexture, grassScrollOffset, .Right);

    // Draw road texture (middle)
    rl.DrawRectangle(@divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH, 3), 0, @divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH, 3), SCREEN_HEIGHT, rl.GRAY);

    // Draw player car
    if (!vulnerable) {
        const col = rl.Color{
            .r = 0,
            .g = 0,
            .b = 0,
            .a = 0,
        rl.DrawTexture(car.texture, @intFromFloat(car.position.x), @intFromFloat(car.position.y), col);
    } else {
        rl.DrawTexture(car.texture, @intFromFloat(car.position.x), @intFromFloat(car.position.y), rl.WHITE);

    // Draw other cars
    for (sourcesRectsCars, 0..) |sourceRectCar, m| {
        rl.DrawTextureRec(carsTextures, sourceRectCar, carsPos[m], rl.WHITE);

    // Draw trees
    for (treesPos.items, 0..) |treePos, n| {
        rl.DrawTextureRec(treesTexture, sourceRects[n % 3], treePos, rl.WHITE);

    // Draw pears
    for (pears.items) |pear| {
        const alpha = @as(u8, @intFromFloat(@min(pear.lifetime / 3.0, 1.0) * 255));
        const color = rl.Color{ .r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255, .a = alpha };
        rl.DrawTexture(pearTexture, @intFromFloat(pear.position.x), @intFromFloat(pear.position.y), color);

    try drawGameStats(score, lives);

    // Draw game over screen
    if (gaveOver) {
        const color = rl.Color{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 180 };
        rl.DrawRectangle(@intFromFloat(rmuteScreen.x), @intFromFloat(rmuteScreen.y), @intFromFloat(rmuteScreen.width), @intFromFloat(rmuteScreen.height), color);
        if (gameWon) {
            rl.DrawText("You Won!!", @divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH - rl.MeasureText("You Won!!", 90), 2), @divFloor(SCREEN_HEIGHT, 2) - 45, 90, rl.WHITE);
        } else {
            rl.DrawText("Game Over!!", @divFloor(SCREEN_WIDTH - rl.MeasureText("Game Over!!", 90), 2), @divFloor(SCREEN_HEIGHT, 2) - 45, 90, rl.WHITE);


Summary: Total files: 3 Total size: 25284 bytes

Physics Engine:

  • Implement a basic physics engine to handle more realistic movements, such as acceleration, deceleration, and momentum.
  • Add gravity and friction effects to make the car and other objects behave more naturally.

Implementing a physics engine in a game like "Tiny Car Game" involves simulating realistic movements such as acceleration, deceleration, and momentum. Additionally, incorporating gravity and friction will make the car and other objects behave more naturally. Below is an optimized implementation of a physics engine in Zig, along with documentation explaining the design choices.

Physics Engine Implementation

const rl = @import("raylib.zig");
const std = @import("std");

// Define Physics struct to encapsulate physics-related properties
const Physics = struct {
    velocity: rl.Vector2,
    acceleration: rl.Vector2,
    mass: f32,
    friction: f32,
    gravity: f32,

    // Initialize physics properties
    fn init(mass: f32, friction: f32, gravity: f32) Physics {
        return Physics{
            .velocity = rl.Vector2{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
            .acceleration = rl.Vector2{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
            .mass = mass,
            .friction = friction,
            .gravity = gravity,

    // Update the physics state based on forces and time
    fn update(self: *Physics, deltaTime: f32) void {
        // Apply gravity
        self.velocity.y += self.gravity * deltaTime;

        // Apply friction
        self.velocity.x *= 1.0 - self.friction * deltaTime;
        self.velocity.y *= 1.0 - self.friction * deltaTime;

        // Update velocity based on acceleration
        self.velocity.x += self.acceleration.x * deltaTime;
        self.velocity.y += self.acceleration.y * deltaTime;

        // Reset acceleration for the next frame
        self.acceleration = rl.Vector2{ .x = 0, .y = 0 };

    // Apply a force to the object
    fn applyForce(self: *Physics, force: rl.Vector2) void {
        self.acceleration.x += force.x / self.mass;
        self.acceleration.y += force.y / self.mass;

// Modify the Car struct to include physics
const Car = struct {
    texture: rl.Texture2D,
    position: rl.Vector2,
    physics: Physics,

// Modify the Pear struct to include physics
const Pear = struct {
    position: rl.Vector2,
    physics: Physics,
    lifetime: f32,

// Update the car's position based on physics
fn updateCarPhysics(car: *Car, deltaTime: f32) void {
    car.position.x += car.physics.velocity.x * deltaTime;
    car.position.y += car.physics.velocity.y * deltaTime;

// Update the pear's position based on physics
fn updatePearPhysics(pear: *Pear, deltaTime: f32) void {
    pear.position.x += pear.physics.velocity.x * deltaTime;
    pear.position.y += pear.physics.velocity.y * deltaTime;

// Example usage in the main game loop
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
    // Initialize window and other resources
    rl.InitWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Tiny Car Game");
    defer rl.CloseWindow();

    // Initialize car with physics
    var car = Car{
        .texture = rl.LoadTexture("resources/textures/car.png"),
        .position = rl.Vector2{ .x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, .y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 },
        .physics = Physics.init(1.0, 0.1, 9.8),

    // Main game loop
    while (!rl.WindowShouldClose()) {
        const deltaTime = rl.GetFrameTime();

        // Handle input to apply forces to the car
        if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_H)) {
            car.physics.applyForce(rl.Vector2{ .x = -100, .y = 0 });
        } else if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_L)) {
            car.physics.applyForce(rl.Vector2{ .x = 100, .y = 0 });
        } else if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_K)) {
            car.physics.applyForce(rl.Vector2{ .x = 0, .y = -100 });
        } else if (rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KEY_J)) {
            car.physics.applyForce(rl.Vector2{ .x = 0, .y = 100 });

        // Update car physics
        updateCarPhysics(&car, deltaTime);

        // Draw game elements
        defer rl.EndDrawing();

        rl.DrawTexture(car.texture, @intFromFloat(car.position.x), @intFromFloat(car.position.y), rl.WHITE);


Physics Engine Design

  1. Physics Struct:

    • Velocity: Represents the current speed and direction of the object.
    • Acceleration: Represents the rate of change of velocity.
    • Mass: Affects how forces influence the object's acceleration (F = ma).
    • Friction: Simulates the resistance that slows down the object over time.
    • Gravity: Simulates the force pulling the object downward.
  2. Update Method:

    • Gravity: Continuously applies a downward force to simulate gravity.
    • Friction: Gradually reduces the velocity to simulate friction.
    • Velocity Update: Adjusts the velocity based on the current acceleration.
    • Acceleration Reset: Resets acceleration after applying forces to prepare for the next frame.
  3. ApplyForce Method:

    • Force Application: Adds a force to the object, which is divided by the mass to calculate acceleration.
  4. Optimization:

    • Delta Time: Ensures that physics calculations are frame-rate independent by using delta time.
    • Minimal Calculations: Only necessary calculations are performed each frame to maintain high performance.

Why This Implementation?

  • Realism: The physics engine simulates real-world behaviors like gravity and friction, making the game more immersive.
  • Flexibility: The Physics struct can be reused for different objects (e.g., cars, pears) with different properties.
  • Performance: The engine is optimized to minimize computational overhead, ensuring smooth gameplay even on lower-end devices.
  • Ease of Use: The applyForce method makes it easy to add new forces (e.g., player input, collisions) without modifying the core physics logic.


This physics engine provides a robust and efficient way to simulate realistic movements in the "Tiny Car Game." By encapsulating physics properties and behaviors in a reusable struct, the engine is both flexible and easy to integrate into the existing game logic. The use of delta time ensures that the physics calculations are consistent across different frame rates, making the game more stable and predictable.