All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.2 (2024-08-25)
- package: add new keywords for better discoverability (e4bb144)
0.0.1 (2024-08-25)
- add @testing-library/react-hooks dependency (f22f964)
- add CI workflow with Node.js and Codecov integration (11603e3)
- add GitHub poster images for light and dark themes (efd25dc)
- add Netlify configuration for deployment (c57c22e)
- Add useArrowKeyNavigation hook (17f56f8)
- Add useEscapeKeyClose custom hook (f02728b)
- add useFocusCycling hook documentation (f118057)
- Add useHomeEndKeyNavigation hook (cba1850)
- config: enable Google Analytics tracking (95fc1ce)
- docs: add Docusaurus setup for documentation site (277fc16)
- docs: add Focusable component documentation (bedb6f3)
- enhance keyboard navigation in useFocusCycling hook (96f6512)
- homepage: enhance homepage design and structure (ca20bd7)
- hooks: add useFocusCycling custom hook (d6c427f)
- tests: add unit tests for useFocusVisible hook (c1cb2cc)
- update hero banner background gradient (cf664ff)
- update homepage to indicate site is under construction (cf271a3)
- update primary color palette (aec63f7)
- update useFocusOnMount to return MutableRefObject (98413ce)
- comment out structured data configuration (4a4b14d)
- docs: remove Prettier badge from README (34f5263)
- rename webpack config to use .cjs extension (3b64bca)
- update ESLint config for better code standards (858526f)
- add tests for FocusContext (62f8983)
- add tests for useFocusOnMount hook (00e01a0)
- add unit tests for Focusable component (d7e86ec)
- add unit tests for FocusRing component (6309277)
- add unit tests for FocusTrap component (62106ea)
- add unit tests for focusUtils (e7e3d75)
- add unit tests for isBrowser utility function (60cd6dc)
- add unit tests for SkipLink component (9d04a3a)
- add unit tests for useArrowKeyNavigation hook (998f01d)
- add unit tests for useEscapeKeyClose hook (4c37ffd)
- add unit tests for useFocusCycling hook (5e4a94f)
- add unit tests for useFocusOrder hook (ec3e8e2)
- add unit tests for useFocusWithin hook (bda6431)
- add unit tests for useHomeEndKeyNavigation hook (ffa69c9)
- add useFocusReturn hook tests (81b9801)
- make SkipLink.test asynchronous (1ba055d)
- format import and function parameters (f313e9f)
- improve focus return logic and clean up comments (97cf182)
- integrate setupTests.ts and update config files (e597fb3)
- optimize FocusTrap by improving focus handling (6f7d285)
- update build output directory and dependencies (6d1672c)
- update build output directory and import paths (05febf4)
- update ESLint configuration (9038812)
- update import paths for consistency (8cd4a18)
- update Jest configuration (c464b6d)
- update useFocusWithin hook implementation (5f59c6e)
- add documentation for useArrowKeyNavigation hook (45f9181)
- add documentation for useEscapeKeyClose hook (dd71d1c)
- add documentation for useFocusOnMount hook (18c0271)
- add documentation for useFocusReturn hook (d9ae373)
- add documentation for useFocusVisible hook (8bdb392)
- add FAQ section for React Refocus (e54ca01)
- add FocusContext documentation (61a8378)
- add FocusTrap component documentation (9863e2e)
- add installation guide for React Refocus (a513ab5)
- add quick start guide for React Refocus (d2b1120)
- add SkipLink component documentation (9d73fc5)
- add useFocusOrder hook documentation (71adc67)
- add useFocusWithin hook documentation (74f8f17)
- add useHomeEndKeyNavigation hook documentation (f91a5ce)
- api: add FocusRing component documentation (425e3f5)
- context: add detailed JSDoc comments to FocusContext (20c2a2b)
- enhance README with detailed features and instructions (da8dadf)
- update introduction with detailed library features (47dc14b)