DS Algo (Permanent)
- Most Liked LeetCode
- Rachit Jain and Gaurav Sen's Tutorial
- Minimum Spanning Trees (Prim and Kruskal)
- Dijkstra and Fibonnaci heaps
- Cycle Detection
- Union Disjoint Set
- DP Other Patterns and common questions
- Bipartite Graph and Topological Sorting
- Ordered Statistics and Range Queries
- Linked List Common Questions
- Segment Trees
- AVL Trees
- Red Black
- BellMan ford
- Floyd Warshal
Leet Code Lists
CP 3
Algoexpert question study
Operating Systems
Object Oriented Design
- Educative IO
System Design/ Low level Design
- Grokking System Design
- Testing
- Regex
- Some remaining concurrency stuff
Database (1 Week)
- Basics of DB and SQL
- Cassandra functionality
- Migrations
- Leader Election
- What happens when a downed node comes up.
- Metrics
Networking (3 Days)
- Basics of Networking Course
Behavorial (3 days)
- General Questions
- Leadership principles
- Story behind each principle.
- Algoexpert vids
- educative-io lessons
- Salary Negotitations
DS Algo (6 months)
Leet Code Lists
CP 3
Ardendertat blog
Hybrid Datastructures
Algoexpert question
Some theoritical knowledge
Learn coding language
- Java
- C++ - Competitive Programming STL, algorithms.
- Python (just see the written notes)
- Low Level Design (Hard)
System Design (3 months)
AWS (2 months)
Grokking the system de#terview (2 weeks)
Gaurav Sen's (1 day)
System Expert's (5 days)
System Design Donnemartin
Tech Dummies
Docker Kubernetes
- educative io
Udi's Tuts
Design Patterns
- Object Oriented Design by educative io. (1 week)
- Thread safe code.
- Christopher Okhravi's Course (2 weeks)
Operating System (1 month)
- Dinosaur Book / Coursera Course
- Database Design from educative-io (3 days)
- Cassandra functionality
- Migrations
- Leader Election
- What happens when a downed node comes up.
- Metrics
- Basics of SQL educative-io (3 days)
- Top Down Approach Book
- Basics of Networking Course
Behavorial (3 days)
- General Questions
- Leadership principles
- Story behind each principle.
- Algoexpert vids
- educative-io lessons
Java (2.5 months)
Collections (1 week)
- custom comparators
Iterators (1 day)
Concurrency (2 Weeks)
- Concurrent Collections
- Write about volatile
- How does volatile fix uncompleted objects. double check lock
- AtomicVariables
- Synchronous Queue
- Synchronized Map
- ForkJoinPool
- Phaser
- CyclicBarrier
- Future
- CompletableFuture
- SpinLocks
- Asynchronous Code vs Synchronous CompletableFuture vs Future.
- Interview Cases from educative io course
- Local classes
- Java Clone
Java 8 (.5 week)
- Stream
- Default Method
Testing (1 week)
- Junit
Regular Expressions (1 day)
BigInteger, BigDecimal (1 day)
DS Algo question. (*)
Java IO (.5 week)
Serialization (2 day)
Reflection (2 day)
- Checked vs Unchecked exceptions
Spring (1 month)