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Martin Wendt edited this page May 25, 2013 · 14 revisions

If you like to contribute, you can do this in many ways:

  • Use Fancytree and send feedback.
  • Have a look at the RFCs in the Wiki and provide feedback.
  • Create issues for bugs or features requests (see 'Report Issues').
  • Fix bugs or propose features (see 'Contribute Source' below).

Report Issues

  • Please make sure that there is not already an existing issue for this problem/request.
    Use the search function to find out
  • If it's a bug report:
    • Carefully describe the required steps to reproduce the failure.
    • Give additional information: what browser/version? What jQuery / jQuery UI / Fancytree version?
  • If it's a feature request:
    • What are you trying to accomplish?
    • Why is this a cool featuere? Give use cases

Contribute Source Code

  • Fork the repository on GitHub and checkout your fork to your computer.
  • I think it's reccomended to create a feature branch then, but for small fixes that may be oversized.
  • The style guide is basically
    Try to stick to the current code style.
  • Test the code. Add unit tests when possible.
  • Does your change break any demos? Should new demos be added?
    What about the documentation: should it be updated?
  • For the testing framework install node.js then run npm install from the source folder.
  • After that you can run grunt test from the console in your checkout folder.
    This will run the jshint checker and the unit test suite.
  • Note that also Travis is configured to do this for every checkin (and pull request).
  • Create a pull-request.
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