a command line beebole api interface to update your beebole account!
clone this repo
install python 2.7
run "pip install -r requirements.txt" in repo folder
run "python main.py"in console
OPTIONAL: set beebole as linux bash alias
create or open ~/.bash_aliases
add this row
#!/usr/bin/env bash #beebole shortcut alias beebole='python ~/(path_to_your_repo_folder)/main.py "$@"' shopt -s expand_aliases beebole
run "source ~/.bash_aliases
if you set beebole as alias type "beebole ?" to view beebole help
else run "python (path_to_folder)/main.py ?" to view beebole help
- set-token (token) (account_name) 'set beebole token to authentication'
- add (alias_name) (project id) (task_id) (comment_optional) 'add alias to set with alias_name the current project'
- set (project_alias) 'set your current work to a project'
- set-date (start-date) (finish-date) 'set your work date range hh:mm'
- current 'get current project'
- list _aliases 'all aliases set with beebole add'
- list 'return list of all companies'
- list -s (string) 'search in all companies'
- ? 'help'