18 Oct 2017
- kubernetes overview
- docker
- helm
- jenkins
- kubectl
- k8zation process
images from the new stack
- Self healing/autoscaling
- HA
- API to schedule load
- Industrialisation
- Improve the DX
- Bring solutions that scale the compagny
- Build a service offer that match your needs
- Standardize
- Log to stdout/stderr
- Read config from env
- remove secrets (!)
- identify services/secrets
- s/passenger/puma/g
- Separate build time /run time
- Dockerfile
- supported ruby version
- Good Docker
- Good doceker-compose for devs
- small / start&stop fast / minimal
- graceful shutdown
- Helm package
- Jenkinsfile
- Expose readiness/healthiness http endpoints
- *Expose metrics from /metrics endpoint
- Dockerfile
- Jenkinsfile
- helm
- app
- values.yaml
- Charts.yaml
- templates
- svc.yaml
- ing.yaml
- deploy.yaml
- env
- production.yaml
- selfoss.yaml
- secrets
- production.yaml.vault
- selofoss.yaml.vault
- app
- unit/integration tests
- docker build
- docker push ECR
- helm upgrade # deploy to staging
- compliance tests
- helm upgrade # deploy to production
- smoke tests
- size does matter
- apk
- --no-cache
- virtual
Switch k8s cluster:
kubectl config use-context
- pods (po)
- replica set (rs)
- deployment (deploy)
- namespace (ns)
- service (svc)
- ingress (ing)
- secrets
Note: elb + | +-----------------------------------|----+ | ing | |ns | | | v | | svc | | +----------------+ | | | po | | | | | | | | po | | | | | | | deploy +--> rs +--> | | | | | po | | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | secrets | | | +----------------------------------------+
- get
- describe
- edit
- delete
- exec -it
- logs
- templating
- package manager
- upgrade/rollback
- chart
- release
- upgrade
- list
- history
- rollback
- logs dashboard
- metrics collection
- monitoring
- istio - service mesh