EENG350 Seedlab Motor Control Mini Project
This project shows the code for driving the motors to specific positions based on the location of a detected aruco marker
Added functioning code for Demo 1
Includes motor code that can turn robot to specific angles, and move specific distances
Includes computer vision code that can identify aruco market angle offset from camera plane
all functioning perfectly :)
This folder holds the arduino code for our inital attempt at completing the full 6 marker course which we did not end up completing
This folder contains the arduino code for our improved repeat of demo 2, with a revised state machine and PID code. This code was intended to be consistent and robust with all speeds kept to a minimum.
This folder contains the arduino code for what we ended up using in the final demonstration. It is mostly a copy of the FinalDemo_Backup code but with all speed parameters tuned to a maximum in order to increase our final score.