diff --git a/src/commands/info/help.js b/src/commands/info/help.js index 373f3fef..f6e4e62f 100644 --- a/src/commands/info/help.js +++ b/src/commands/info/help.js @@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ module.exports = { '- **`/pause`** - Pause or resume the current track.\n' + '- **`/queue` `[page]`** - Show the list of tracks added to the queue.\n' + '- **`/nowplaying`** - Show information about the track currently playing.\n' + - `- **\`/seek\` \`duration\`** - ${embedOptions.icons.new} Seek to a specified duration in the current track.\n` + + '- **`/seek` `duration`** - Seek to a specified duration in the current track.\n' + `- **\`/loop\` \`mode\`** - ${embedOptions.icons.beta} Toggle looping a track, the whole queue or autoplay.\n` + - '- **`/filters`** - Toggle various audio filters during playback.\n' + + `- **\`/filters\`** - ${embedOptions.icons.beta} Toggle various audio filters during playback.\n` + '- **`/volume` `[percentage]`** - Show or set the playback volume for tracks.\n' + '- **`/skip` `[tracknumber]`** - Skip to next or specified track.\n' + '- **`/remove` `tracknumber`** - Remove specified track from the queue.\n' + + `- **\`/stop\`** - ${embedOptions.icons.new} Stop playing audio and clear the track queue.\n` + '- **`/leave`** - Clear the queue and remove the bot from voice channel.\n\n' + `${embedOptions.icons.support} **Support server**\nJoin the support server for help or suggestions: \n**${botOptions.serverInviteUrl}**\n\n` + `${embedOptions.icons.bot} **Enjoying ${botOptions.name}?**\nAdd me to another server: \n**[Click me!](${botOptions.botInviteUrl})**`