Compresses allure-results, sends to kochetkov-ma/allure-server , and triggers allure report generation on it. Result of this action - is URL to generated report.
Works for any test project languages (java, .net, js/ts, python, etc), for any testing frameworks (junit, pytest, cucumber, mocha, jest ...) that has allure reporter configured.
Required Full url of your deployed allure-server
Use this option to group test reports. All reports with same path
will have common allure history. Also it used as url path to access latest report. You can specify branch name here, or project name.
Default - your repo name
If your allure-server has basic auth enabled, specify username here
If your allure-server has basic auth enabled, specify password here
Path to your allure-results folder. This folder will be sent to server.
Default - ./allure-results
URL of generated Allure report.
- name: Send Results and Generate Allure Report
uses: Xotabu4/send-to-allure-server-action@1
# always() needed because we want report for failed tests as well
if: ${{ always() }}
allure-server-url: ''
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