This changelog references the relevant changes done in 2.x.x versions
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
- Some fixes and tests
- Added as well strict gender
Fixed gaufrette bundle deps in media bundle (mmoreram)5e98b99
Added country check in all geo commands (mmoreram)ae49206
Added coupon entity test (mmoreram)195a088
strict user gender (Emanuele Minotto)
- Added languages with master promoted services
- Removed twig dependencies
Removed twig deps. No longer used (mmoreram)cfe5922
Added languages with master promoted service (mmoreram)
Some fixes related to v2.0.0
Some fixes related to v2.0.0 (mmoreram)
Added the new Purchasable schema
- A new usable interface called PurchasableInterface has been created
- Using Doctrine CTI (Class Table Inheritance)[] to make more usable the purchasable implementation
- Changed how the Cart is actually using products and variants. Now uses Purchasables instead of
- Introduced a new Purchasable element called Pack, a set of other purchasables, including as well other packs
- Removed as well all legacy code marked as Deprecated code, including both packages Configuration and ConfigurationBundle
Removed all deprecated code (mmoreram)1924f4a
Updated dev-master in all components (mmoreram)f6d511b
Updated componsents to work with ^2.0 (mmoreram)9e093cd
Fixes after rebase with master (mmoreram)bddfb11
Fixed some headers (mmoreram)9d16fcb
Added Categorizable interface (mmoreram)665a8a7
Updated and Improved Purchasable Schema map (mmoreram)