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ShaderProgram Utility

mattdesl edited this page Dec 7, 2012 · 7 revisions

This page will cover the steps required to create your own re-usable ShaderProgram utility class. Alternatively, you can skip this step and use the more advanced ShaderProgram utility already included in lwjgl-basics: see here.


For our purposes, we will only use one vertex and one fragment shader to create our shader programs. Since we plan on targeting GL 2.1, we will also need to specify the attribute locations manually. If we were targeting newer versions of OpenGL (i.e. GLSL 330+), then we could specify the attribute locations with type qualifiers instead. The basic steps to creating a shader program look like this:

  1. Compile the vertex shader source into a shader object.
  2. Compile the fragment shader source into a shader object.
  3. Create a program ID with glCreateProgram.
  4. Attach the vertex and shader objects to our program with glAttachShader.
  5. If we are targeting 2.1, here is where we would bind any attribute locations manually. For example, we would bind the Position attribute to index 0. For this we use glBindAttribLocation. If we are targeting newer versions of GLSL, we can skip this step.
  6. We then link the program with glLinkProgram.
  7. If the program succeeded in compiling, we can now detach and delete the vertex and fragment shader objects as they are no longer needed -- using glDetachShader and glDeleteShader, respectively. These are only flags for OpenGL, and the objects will be deleted when they are no longer associated with any rendering states.

You can see the entire process for that here:

public ShaderProgram(String vertexShader, String fragmentShader, List<VertexAttrib> attributes) throws LWJGLException {
	//compile the String source
	vertex = compileShader(vertexShader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
	fragment = compileShader(fragmentShader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
	//create the program
	program = glCreateProgram();
	//attach the shaders
	glAttachShader(program, vertex);
	glAttachShader(program, fragment);

	//bind the attrib locations for GLSL 120
	if (attributes != null)
		for (VertexAttrib a : attributes)
			glBindAttribLocation(program, a.location,;

	//link our program

	//grab our info log
	String infoLog = glGetProgramInfoLog(program, glGetProgrami(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH));
	//if some log exists, append it 
	if (infoLog!=null && infoLog.trim().length()!=0)
		log += infoLog;
	//if the link failed, throw some sort of exception
	if (glGetProgrami(program, GL_LINK_STATUS) == GL_FALSE)
		throw new LWJGLException(
				"Failure in linking program. Error log:\n" + infoLog);
	//detach and delete the shaders which are no longer needed
	glDetachShader(program, vertex);
	glDetachShader(program, fragment);

protected int compileShader(String source, int type) throws LWJGLException {
	//create a shader object
	int shader = glCreateShader(type);
	//pass the source string
	glShaderSource(shader, source);
	//compile the source

	//if info/warnings are found, append it to our shader log
	String infoLog = glGetShaderInfoLog(shader,
			glGetShaderi(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH));
	if (infoLog!=null && infoLog.trim().length()!=0)
		log += getName(type) +": "+infoLog + "\n";
	//if the compiling was unsuccessful, throw an exception
	if (glGetShaderi(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS) == GL_FALSE)
		throw new LWJGLException("Failure in compiling " + getName(type)
				+ ". Error log:\n" + infoLog);

	return shader;

Using the Program

In OpenGL, we can only have a single shader program in use at a time. We call glUseProgram(program) to specify the active program. Back in fixed-function days, we would specify glUseProgram(0) to use the "default" shader. However, since we are trying to work with the programmable pipeline, we should no longer concern ourselves with the default shader, since there is no such thing in modern GL. In fact, it may cause errors if we try rendering with the default shader in GL 3.1+ core profile. So our methods to the end-user look like this:

 * Make this shader the active program.
public void use() {

 * Destroy this shader program.
public void destroy() {
	//a flag for GL -- the program will not actually be deleted until it's no longer in use

 * Gets the location of the specified uniform name.
 * @param str the name of the uniform
 * @return the location of the uniform in this program
public int getUniformLocation(String str) {
	return glGetUniformLocation(program, str);
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