Small VSCode Extension.
Displays the estimated reading time remaining for the current document.
For supported languages, comments will be detected and annotated to display the evaluated reading level, the following readability tests:
- Flesch Kincaid Grade
- Flesch Reading Ease (interpreted as a grade)
- SMOG Index
- Coleman Liau Index
- Automated Readability Index
- Dale Chall Readability Score
- Linsear Write Formula
- Gunning Fog Index
Displays a webview with a Boxplot frequency distribution of all included calculations and tests provided by the text-readability package.
Plus a tiny pie chart for type frequency display.
Uses text-readability package with custom module definition file. Inspiration for language annotation derived from the Better Comments extension by Aaron Bond.
git clone
cd vscode-textinfo
npm install
- Open folder in VSCode
- Press F5 to try it out.
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Whether to show the estimated reading time.textinfo.estimatedReadingLevel
: Whether to display the estimated reading level.textinfo.multilineComments
: Whether the multiline comment highlighter should be active.textinfo.highlightPlainText
: Whether the plaintext comment highlighter should be active
- vscode-ascii-preview - Image preview that generates ASCII art from image.