- Added a
method with optional boolean argumentstartNewSession
, which whenYES
starts a new session after changing the userId.
- Add option to disable IDFA tracking. To disable IDFA tracking call
[[Amplitude instance] disableIdfaTracking];
before initializing with your API key.
- Fix bug where events in the initial session for brand new users have a session id of -1 (introduced in v4.0.2).
- Fix unknown carrier caching. This fixes "Could not successfully update network info during initialization" warnings when logging events on devices without SIM cards.
- Ensure the foreground checker in
runs on the main thread. This fixes the "UI API called on a background thread" warning. - Removing unnecessary try / catch when looking up device carrier.
- Lowering minimum required iOS version down to 7.0.
- Minimum required iOS version is now 9.0
- Removed deprecated methods, fixed warnings in Xcode 9, adding support for iOS 11.
- Migrate setup instructions and SDK documentation in the README file to Zendesk articles.
- Catch exceptions when looking up device carrier.
- Fix build warnings caused by certificate files in the Podfile. Thanks to @benasher44 for the PR.
- Fix warnings for missing new line at end of files. Thanks to @teanet for reporting.
- Fix linker warnings when using Amplitude framework in an extension target. Thanks to @r-peck for the PR.
- Add support for enabling SSL-pinning via Cocoapods. Thanks to @aaronwasserman for the PR. See Readme for more information.
- Add support for tvOS. Thanks to @gabek for the original PR. See Readme for more information.
- Bump iOS minimum deployment target to 6.0.
- Update device list. Thanks to @subbotkin for the PR.
- Fix bug where
was not being run on background thread. [AMPDeviceInfo generateUUID]
should be a static method.
- Add helper method to regenerate a new random deviceId. This can be used in conjunction with
to anonymize a user after they log out. Note this is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. See Readme for more information.
- Allow
with a custom long long timestamp (milliseconds since epoch). See iOS documentation for more details.
- Allow
with a custom timestamp (milliseconds since epoch). If the timestamp value isnil
, then the event is timestamped with the current time. If setting a custom timestamp, you should use[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:milliseconds]
. See iOS documentation for more details.
- Enable "Weak References in Manual Retain Release" to fix build errors in Xcode 7.3 and up.
- Add ability to log identify events outOfSession, this is useful for updating user properties without triggering session-handling logic. See Readme for more information.
- Switch to unarchiving unsent events archive file with
[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile]
to iOS 9's[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData]
. Note: this only affects you if you are upgrading from an SDK version older than v3.1.0 straight to v3.9.0 or newer. Users who have not updated to iOS 9.0 or newer will lose any unsent events stored on their devices. This also removes all Objective-C Exceptions (@try/@catch) from the SDK, removing the need to toggleEnable Objective-C Exceptions
in Xcode. - Block event property and user property dictionaries that have more than 1000 items. This is to block properties that are set unintentionally (for example in a loop). A single call to
should not have more than 1000 event properties. Similarly a single call tosetUserProperties
should not have more than 1000 user properties.
- Fix crash by handling NULL events saved to and fetched from the database.
- Added support for integration via Carthage. Thanks to @mpurland for the original PR. Thanks to @lexrus for follow up PR to fix framework naming.
- Cleaned up warnings for expression result unused.
- Note if you installed 3.8.4 on August 18, just rerun
pod install
orcarthage update
to pull in the new changes. The re-release was to fix the Carthage framework naming.
- Fix overflow bug for long long values saved to Sqlite DB on 32-bit devices.
is no longer a required field forRevenue
logged vialogRevenueV2
.- Fix bug where revenue receipt was being truncated if it was too long (exceeded 1024 characters);
- Allow ability to silence error messages. Note error messages are printed by default. To disable error logging, change
- Add support for iOS Extensions. See the Readme for instructions, or check out our iOS-Extension-Demo. Credit to @andyyc for the original PR.
- Fix bug where subsequent calls to
after the first were not being ignored. - Guard debug log statements with a debug flag (disabled by default). To enable debug logging, change
at the top of the Objective-C file you wish to examine.
- Add documentation for SDK functions. You can take a look here. A link has also been added to the Readme.
- Updated device mapping with iPhone SE, iPad Mini 4, and iPad Pro.
- Fix crash during upgradePrefs in the init method. This bug affected app users who were upgrading from an old version of an app using Amplitude iOS v2.1.1 or earlier straight to a version of the app using Amplitude iOS v3.6.0 or later.
- Add helper method
to expose the current sessionId value. - Add support for setting groups for users and events. See Readme for more information.
- Add logRevenueV2 and new Revenue class to support logging revenue events with properties, and revenue type. See Readme for more info.
- Add support for prepend user property operation.
- Fix support for 32-bit devices. Switch to using sqlite3.0, and cast return values from sqlite3.
- Add support for logging events to multiple Amplitude apps. See Readme for details.
- Add ability to clear all user properties.
- Guarding AMPDatabaseHelper logging with a debug flag.
- Remove dependency on FMDB, use built-in SQLite3 library.
- Updated DeviceInfo platform strings, added iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPod Touch 6G.
- Fix bug to make sure events can be serialized before saving.
- Add support for append user property operation.
- Add ability to force the SDK to update with the user's latest location.
- Handle NaNs and exceptions from NSJSONSerialization during event data migration.
- Fix bug where logEvent checks session when logging start/end session events.
- Update DatabaseHelper to work with long longs instead of longs.
- Add ability to set custom deviceId.
- Add support for user property operations (set, setOnce, add, unset).
- Add ability to go offline (disable sending logged events to server).
- Fix bug where event and identify queues are not truncated if eventMaxCount is less than eventRemoveBatchSize.
- Fix bug where fetching nil/null values from database causes crash.
- Switch to using FMDB/standard.
- Migrate events data to Sqlite database.
- Fix bug where end session event was not being sent upon app reopen.
- Fix bug in database path.
- Fix uploadEventsWithDelay bug not triggering uploadEvents.
- Fix crash when dictionaries are deallocated during logEvent.
- Simplified session tracking. minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis default changed to 5 minutes. Removed sessionTimeoutMillis. No longer send start/end session events by default.
- Can now clear userId by setting to nil (subsequent logged events will be anonymous).
- Fix crash when array or dictionary is modified during JSON serialization.
- Static methods are now deprecated. Use the [Amplitude instance] singleton instead.
- Enable configuration of eventUploadThreshold, eventMaxCount, eventUploadMaxBatchSize, eventUploadPeriodSeconds, minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis, and sessionTimeoutMillis.
- Expose the startSession method publicly. Can be used to start a session for a user interaction that happens while the app is in the background, for example, changing tracks on background audio.
- No longer starts a session if the app is in the background when the SDK is initialized. Prevents logging of silent push notifications from starting a session and counting a user visit. This changes the previous default behavior. To maintain the previous behavior, use initializeApiKey:apiKey:userId:startSession and set startSession to true.
- Add opt out method to disable logging for a user
- Fix CLLocationManager authorization constants warning
- Add method for adding new user properties without replacing. Make it default
- Fix base64 string deprecation warning
- Fixed regressive crash on updateLocation. Fixes issue #22
- Fix bug where start session is called more than once when app enters foreground
- Change SDK to use a singleton instead of class methods
- Initialize deviceId properly in _getDeviceId. Fixes issue #20
- Fixed AMPDeviceInfo for non-ARC applications
- Update field names
- Split platform and os
- Send library information
- Fix long long to long warning
- Fix non-retained CTTelephonyNetworkInfo object
- Remove unused methods getPlatformString, getPhoneModel, and replaceWithJSONNull
- Change some method signatures to be cleaner
- Fix race condition setting session id
- Fix double release for CTTelephonyNetworkInfo
- Fix memory leak in generateUUID
- Send IDFA and IDFV
- Change data directory to be NSLibraryDirectory instead of NSCachesDirectory
- Ensure events are JSON serializable
- Cache device id in getDeviceId
- Add logRevenue method with receipt options
- Fix bug with ending on background task prematurely
- Added LICENSE file
- Fix bug where session id didn't match session start timestamp
- Lowered advertiserID version requirement to 6.0 and up
- Added advertisingIdentifier as an optional device identifier
- Fix bug when flushQueue dictionary value setting to empty array
- Changed reupload to only occur when beyond the number of max events to store locally
- Removed mac address, advertiser ID from user tracked
- Switched to identiferForVendor, otherwise randomly generated ID.
- Renamed customProperties to eventProperties
- Removed redundant saving of apiProperties in each event
- Removed campaign tracking code
- Renamed globalProperties to userProperties
- Fixing background task bug when app is minimized and maximized quickly a few times causing a dangling task to never be ended
- Fix warning by explicitly cast NSMakeRange arguments to int
- Fix bug with creating location manager off the main thread
- Save deviceId in local storage to ensure consistency
- Added iOS7 forward compatibility by using advertiserId by default on iOS7.0+
- Generate random UUID on mac address failure
- Fixed rare location access concurency bug
- Switch to native NSJSONSerialization
- Initial packaged release