OO Graphics for PHP.
graphpoo is open-source under MIT license. (see LICENSE.txt)
graphpoo is a library to draw line and bar graphics on php. (NOT SUPPORT FOR PIE GRAPHS IN THIS VERSION)
- setHeight()
- setWidth()
- setBorder()
- setBorderColor()
- setTopMargin()
- setBottomMargin()
- setLeftMargin()
- setRightMargin()
- setBGColor()
- setTitle()
- setTitleFontColor()
- setTitleFontSize()
- setTitleAlign()
- setGridRound()
- setGridCount()
- setGridDecimals()
- setGridLines()
- setGridFontColor()
- setGridFontSize()
- setGridLineColor()
- setXAxisColor()
- setYAxisColor()
- setLabelFontColor()
- setLabelFontSize()
- setLabelOrientation()
- setLegend()
- setLegendBGColor()
- setLegendBorder()
- setLegendBorderColor()
- setLegendFontColor()
- setLegendFontSize()
- setLabels()
- setDefaults()
- addSerie()
- renderToFile()
- setTitle()
- setType()
- setColor()
- setBorder()
- setBorderColor()
- setData()