Some extra plugins and nodes for mavros.
Publish/subscribe to the location and information of an ADS-B vehicle.
Publish camera trigger data for synchronisation of IMU and camera frames.
Subs/Pubs debug msgs from and to the FCU.
Publish DISTANCE_SENSOR message data from FCU or connected sensors in companion computer.
Sends fake GPS from local position estimation source data (motion capture, vision) to FCU.
Adds support for Mavlink Gimbal Protocol v2. To publish to tf, set parameter
tf_send=True. The implementation of this plugin has been tested with a
Freefly Astro with the mapping payload as well as with Auterion Sim. The
plugin was built following the specifications available at with some adaptation to better
suit ROS2 and support tf publishing with child frame labels specified by the
gimbal_device_id field of gimbal_attitude_msg. This should enable support for
multiple gimbal devices on the target platform publishing to different leaves
of the tf tree. The assumed frame for each gimbal device is base_link_frd.
When taking control of the gimbal with the GimbalManagerConfigure, sysid_primary
can be set to -2, and default gimbal_device_id is 154, though 0 can be used for all
gimbal devices. After taking control of the gimbal, you can set RoI's or manually
set the gimbal's orientation using the service calls provided. The topic publishers
for gimbal control have not been successfully validated, though this is possibly due
to the implimentation on the Freefly Astro or with Auterion's simulator. Feel
free to reach out to with any questions or feedback on
this plugin!
Send GPS_INPUT messages to the FCU.
Publish GPS_RAW and GPS_RTK messages from FCU.
Sends the RTCM messages to the FCU for the RTK Fix.
Expose firmware functionality, that is related to log transfer
Send motion capture pose estimate to FCU. Currently, not used by the FCU.
Data can be send via vision_position
Send obstacle distance report to the FCU.
Send odometry to FCU from another estimator.
data from FCU or PX4Flow module.
Publish RANGEFINDER message data from FCU sensors in companion computer.
Receive planned path from the FCU and send back corrected path (collision free, smoothed) to the FCU.
Compute and publish wheel odometry coming from FCU sensors.
Publish VIBRATION message data from FCU.
Send vision pose estimate to FCU.
Send vision speed estimate to FCU.
Send companion process status report to the FCU.
Convert mavros_msgs/RCOut
to sensor_msgs/JointState
It is required to bind URDF model and real servos.
Use roslaunch mavros_extras px4flow.launch
for that.