A repository for some code related to genetics/ genomics under development.
A program for quickly viewing a high level overview of introgressions or contrasting genotypes between two or more individuals. Designed for high density SNP data as an input. The program was designed for viewing introgressions in barley genotypes. It currently only works with fixed (ie non-heterozygous) individuals and will ignore region of heterozygozity, though there are plans to include het calls.
The genotype of a particular region is determoined from a sliding window and parameters set by the user. The larger the sliding window, the more accurate the prediction of the genotype for that particular region, but there is a trade off between accuracy and resolution. A histogram of identity displayed by the program should bbe used to fine tune the parameters. The user can also set a minimum introgression size to avoid false positive recombination events.
- pandas
- matplotlib
Introgression viewer requires python >=3.7
python Introgression_viewer.py [-d] [-c] [-chrom] [-cutoff] [-step_size] [-window_size] [-colour] [-features]
Optional arguments:
-d Input dataset
-c The comparisons you would like to make
-chrom Optional: The chromosomes you want to visualise
-cutoff Optional: Percentage similarity cutoff for determining alleles (default: 90)
-step_size Optional: Step size (default = 10)
-window_size Optional: Window size (default = 100)
-colour Optional: Colours for comparison (default = "purple,green")
-features Optional: Genes or other features to add
Default usage would look like this:
python Introgression_viewer.py -d my_genotypes.tab -c "Int_52-Int_17, Int_52-Barke"
Detailed explanation of arguments:
-d Input dataset This is a tab delimited text file with genotype information for each of your individuals of interest. The columns must be in the format Marker Name, chrom, position, line 1 allele, line 2 allele,.... line n allele. e.g:
Marker Chromosome Barke position Barke Int_52 Int_33 Int_42 Int_17 Int_19 Int_56
JHI-Hv50k-2016-7 chr1H 112201 T T T T T T T
JHI-Hv50k-2016-24 chr1H 110264 T T T T T T T
JHI-Hv50k-2016-64 chr1H 106615 A A A A A A A
JHI-Hv50k-2016-66 chr1H 106465 T T T T T T T
JHI-Hv50k-2016-72 chr1H 105691 G G G G G G G
JHI-Hv50k-2016-73 chr1H 105623 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
JHI-Hv50k-2016-88 chr1H 104313 A A A A A A A
JHI-Hv50k-2016-97 chr1H 103806 A A A A A A A
Genotypes should be in the format A|C|G|T. Heterozygous genotypes (e.g A/T) and NAs will be removed automatically.
-c comparisons The genotypes you want to compare. One or more comparisons in this format: genotype2-genotype1, genotype3-genotype1. Warning: Different comparisons may have different similarities, so you may want to run one at a time with paramters set for each one. Also make sure genotype names match genotype names in your -d input file, otherwise nothing will work!')
-chrom chromosomes Optional: The chromosomes you want to visualise. e.g chr1H,chr2H. Default will display all.
-cutoff Optional: Percentage similarity cutoff for determining alleles, default = 90. Use the histogram to set this value correctly
-step_size Step size (int). Small value (1) can give more accurate introgression intervals, but will be fuzzy. Large value for sharp intervals, but loss of accuracy', default = 10
-window_size Window size. Larger windows will mean less false positives/negatives, but could lead to more inaccurate boundry positions
-colour Colours for comparison in format <colour1,colour2>. Default: purple and green. Note: If you want to use colour codes, you can, but change the # to %, e.g for yellow %FFFF00 instead of #FFFF00
-features Genes or other features to add onto chromosomes. File must be in bed4 format
Outputs will appear in the same directory as the script
Genotype2-Genotype1.bed Introgressions (or regions of similarity/difference) in bed4 format. This is used as the input for the chromosome plot. Check here for any oddities.
Genotype2-Genotype1_chromosomes.png The visualisation of chromosomes
chromosomeN_histogram.png A histogram of genotypic similarity from all windows, for each chromosome. Use these figures to determine your cutoff. X axis is percentage similarity, y is frequency. You should see a peak close to 100 which represents those areas of the chromosome that are the same, and a further peak showing those areas of the genome where there are differences. Set your cutoff between these two peaks. If your genotype data is accurate this should be set to about 95%.
In these examples, those regions that have a different genotype between the two lines being compared are in yellow, whilst areas of the same genotype are in blue. If you compare a line from a population with its parent, the areas of difference/similarity will correspond to introgressions (as in these examples).