LearnKana is a simple web application that helps you learn the Japanese Kana (Hiragana and Katakana) characters. It is built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Some components have been inspired from Flowbite and some icons are from Heroicons.
The website is available here: https://maximepires4.github.io/LearnKana/
- Select which characters to learn
- Enter the pronunciation of each character and see if you are correct
- Reset the list by clicking the prompt at the end of your session or by selecting new characters
The project is optimised for GitHub pages, so the endpoint will be at /learnkana
First, clone the repository:
git clone
Then, install the dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
Finally, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.