I did my work on Windows, so if you're using a Mac, you may need to run different commands or install different versions. This guide assumes you have completed the normal installation written by Max.
Install MongoDB to host the database locally. You can download it from here.
To run the full program, you need three things running:
- Expo for the frontend
- Node.js server for the backend
- MongoDB for the database (usually starts with your computer)
To run the Node.js server, use the following commands:
cd .\CloudChasers\backend
node .\startServer.js
For managing the DB I recommend using MongoDBCompass
One small thing I haven't figured out yet is IP addresses, so in the meantime you need to run ipconfig
in the terminal
then update the IPv4 address in the IPIndex
Useful Documentation:
Mongoose -NodeJS interface with MongoDB
ExpressJS -The standard web framework for NodeJS