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Control Entities

Max Cobb edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 10 revisions

Control Entities

For the sake of all these examples, the Simple heading will create an Entity with no custom properties or callbacks, and for Functional, imagine there is a ModelEntity in the scene which we can reference from the variable adjustmentCuboid.

By default all RealityUI Entities are quite large. This is used to standardize the sizes so that you always know what to expect. For example, all UI thumbs are spheres with a diameter of 1 meter, which is 1 unit in RealityKit, ± any padding adjustments. All RealityUI Entities face [0, 0, -1] by default. To have them point at the user camera, or .zero, you can use the .look(at:,from:,relativeTo:) method like so: .look(at: .zero, from: [0, 0, 1]). Or if you want it to turn around straight away if you've positioned it at [0, 0, -1], set the orientation to simd_quatf(angle: .pi, axis: [0, 1, 0]). Using the .look() method works here by setting the at: value to the direction the button should be used from.


Add a 3D toggle to your RealityKit app, to easily toggle something on or off in your scene.

RUISwitch toggle example


let newSwitch = RUISwitch()
let newSwitch = RUISwitch(
  RUI: RUIComponent(respondsToLighting: true),
  changedCallback: { mySwitch in
    differentEntity.model?.materials = [
        color: mySwitch.isOn ? .green : .red,
        isMetallic: false


RUIStepper is used to increment or decrement a value.

RUIStepper example


let stepper = RUIStepper(upTrigger: { _ in
  print("positive tapped")
}, downTrigger: { _ in
  print("negative tapped")


An interactive track to represent an interpolated value.

RUISlider with light responsiveness


let newSlider = RUISlider()
let newSlider = RUISlider(
  slider: SliderComponent(startingValue: 0.9, isContinuous: true)
) { (slider, _) in
  differentEntity.scale.x = slider.value + 0.1


RUIButton is used to initiate a specified action. The action here will only trigger if the gesture begins on a button, and also ends on the same button. This is similar to the touchUpInside UIControl Event.

RUIButton example


let button = RUIButton(updateCallback: { myButton in
  myButton.buttonColor = .systemGreen
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