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Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::Simple - Simpler REST client for Icinga2

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version 0.002001


use Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

# Instantiate an Icinga2 API client
my $ia = Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::Simple->new( server => '' );

# Disable notifications application-wide
$ia->set_global_notifications( 0 );

# Schedule an hour of downtime for web-1 and all of its services
    host => 'web-1',
    services => 1;
    start_time => scalar(time),
    end_time => time + 3600,
    fixed => 1,
    comment => 'System maintenance',

# Print a summary of everything Icinga knows about web-1
print Dumper( $ia->query_host( host => 'web-1' ) );


This module subclasses Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::REST to present a higher-level interface for commonly used operations such as:

  • Scheduling and removing downtimes on hosts and services
  • Enabling and disabling notifications for individual objects
  • Setting and getting global flags like those found under "Monitoring Health" -- notifications, active checks etc.
  • Finding child objects

Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::REST can do all of this and more, but it requires you to deal with Icinga's query language that's as complicated as it is powerful. This module saves you the hassle for the most common jobs while still allowing to make more specialized API calls yourself.



$ia = Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::Simple->new( agent => $ua );
$ia = Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::Simple->new( hostname => '' );

The constructor supports almost the same arguments as the one in Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::REST. The differences are:

  • Only the extensible hash style arguments are supported
  • The $hostname parameter is not a positional one but passed hash-style, too, under the key server.
  • An additional key useragent allows to pass in your own LWP::UserAgent object; this enables more complicated configurations like using TLS client certificates that would otherwise make the number of arguments explode.

Note that the useragent injection is a bit of a hack as it meddles with the superclass' internals. I originally wrote quite some code (including the constructor) in Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::REST but I dont maintain it; nevertheless I don't see any reason why it should change.


    host => 'web-1',
    start_time => scalar(time),
    end_time => time + 3600,
    comment => 'System maintenance',

Set a downtime on a host, a host and all services, or a single service

Mandatory arguments:

  • host: the host name as it it known to Icinga
  • start_time: start time as a Unix timestamp
  • end_time: also a Unix timestamp
  • comment: any string describing the reason for this downtime

Optional arguments:

  • service: set a downtime for only this service on host. Ignored when combined with services.
  • services: set to a true value to set downtimes on all of a host's services. Default is to set the downime on the host only.
  • author: will use getlogin() (or getpwuid where that's unavailable) if unset
  • fixed: set to true for a fixed downtime, default is flexible

The method returns a list of hashes with one element for each downtime successfully set. The following keys are available:

  • code: HTTP result code. Should always be 200.
  • legacy_id: Icinga2 internal ID to refer to this downtime
  • name: a symbolic name to refer to this downtime in the API, e.g. to remove it later
  • status: human-readable status message


$ia->remove_downtime( name => "web-1!NTP!49747048-f8d9-4ecc-95a4-86aa4c1011a9" );
$ia->remove_downtime( host => "web-1", service => 'NTP' );
$ia->remove_downtime( host => "web-1", services => 1 );

Remove a downtime by name or host/service name


  • host
  • service
  • name
  • services

Setting name allows a single downtime to be removed by its name as returned when scheduling it; other arguments are ignored in this case. Removing a downtime by name does not affect other downtimes on the same object.

If host or both host and service are used, all downtimes on these objects are deleted. Set services to a true value and pass a host argument to also delete all of this host's service downtimes.


$result = $ia->query_host( host => 'web-1' );
say "$result->{attrs}{name}: $result->{attrs}{type}";

Provided for backwards compatibility only. Equivalent to "query_hosts" except that it accepts only a single host name and the result is a reference to a single hash, or undef if the host can't be found.

The only mandatory argument is host.


$results = $ia->query_host( hosts => [ qw( web-1 hypervisor-1 ) ] );
say "$_->{attrs}{name}: $_->{attrs}{type}" for @$results;

Query all information Icinga2 has on a number of hosts. The result is a reference to a list of hashes, each of which, as per the current API version, contains a single key named attrs.

The only mandatory argument is hosts, which may also specify a single scalar, so this method is preferable over "query_host".


$results = $ia->query_child_hosts( host => 'hypervisor-1' );
say "$_->{attrs}{name}: $_->{attrs}{type}" for @$results;

Query all host objects that have a certain host listed as a parent. The result is a reference to a list of hashes like those returned by "query_host".

The only mandatory argument is host.


$results = $ia->query_parent_hosts( host => 'web-1', expand => 1 );
say for @$results;

Query all parent host names of a given host. If expand is false or missing, the result is a reference to a list of names. Otherwise it is a reference to a list of hashes like those returned by "query_host".

The only mandatory argument is host.


$result = $ia->query_services( service => 'HTTP' );
$result = $ia->query_services( services => [ qw( HTTP SMTP ) ] );
say "$_->{attrs}{name}: $_->{attrs}{type}" for @$results;

Query all information Icinga2 has on a number of services. As services usually have more than one instance, the result is always a reference to a list of hashes, each describing one instance, even when querying a single service.

The only mandatory argument is service or services.


$ia->send_custom_notification( comment => 'Just kidding :)', service => 'HTTP' );

Send a user-defined notification text for a host or service to all notification recipients for this object. The only mandatory argument is comment, and additionally one of host and service must be set.

Note that for this call host and service are mutually exclusive. If both are present, host wins.


$ia->set_notifications( state => 0, host => 'web-1' );

Enable or disable notifications for a host or service. state is a boolean specifying whether to switch notifications on or off; host or service specifiy the object.

Use "set_global_notifications" to toggle notifications application-wide!


$attrs = $ia->query_app_attrs;
say $attrs->{node_name};

Returns a reference to a hash of values representing a bunch of Icinga application attributes. The following are currently defined, although future Icinga versions may return others:

  • enable_event_handlers: boolean
  • enable_flapping: boolean
  • enable_host_checks: boolean
  • enable_notifications: boolean
  • enable_perfdata: boolean
  • enable_service_checks: boolean
  • node_name: string
  • pid: integer
  • program_start: floatingpoint timestamp
  • version: string


$ia->set_app_attrs( host_checks => 0, flapping => 1 );

Set application attributes passed as hash-style arguments. Of the ones returned by "query_app_attrs", only the booleans are settable; their names don't include the `enable_' prefix.


$ia->set_global_notifications( 0 );

Convenience method to enable/disable global notifications, equivalent to set_app_attrs( notifications => $state). The only mandatory argument is a boolean indicating whether to switch notifications on or off.


Matthias Bethke


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Matthias Bethke.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.