This directory contains hardware info for the MCCI Catena 4710.
FPGA info is elsewhere.
The Catena 4710 combines a low-power FPGA (with RISC-V CPU), a LoRaWAN radio, and sensors on a open-source single board.
A full description is available here, but here's the quick rundown:
Lattice iCE40 Ultra Plus FPGA with 5000 LUTs in SG48 package.
Open-source RISC-V soft core, RV32-I instruction set, 128 kbyte on-FPGA RAM, available here.
1Mbyte SPI flash for FPGA bitfile and system software.
JST battery connector, for 3.7V Lithium Polymer batteries.
Full-speed USB for LiPo charging and download; micro-B connector.
HopeRF RFM95W LoRa radio (on back of board)
4 sensors: BME280 (temperature, pressure, humidity), SI1133 (light), LIS2D12 accelerometer, MP32T05 PDM microphone.
Fully compatible with Adafruit Feather system.
Ready for screw-terminals for field wiring; field wiring terminals include switchable 3.3V power (so you can turn off external sensors).
Open source hardware, released under the CERN OHL License version 1.2. See LICENSE.txt.
Schematics are available here.
PCB De#fo is available here
Copyright 2018-2019 MCCI Corporation. All rights reserved.
MCCI and MCCI Catena are registered trademarks of MCCI. LoRa is a registered trademark of Semtech Corporation. LoRaWAN is a registered trademark of the LoRa Alliance. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
The design materials in this directory are released under the CERN OHL License version 1.2. See LICENSE.txt.
Thanks to Lattice Semiconductor for their support.
MCCI's @svelmurugan92 and @Veeralakshmi92 did the electrical design and layout.