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File metadata and controls

128 lines (96 loc) · 5.99 KB


An Angular based webapp companion to the COSHH API.


You may need to npm i if running for the first time, and npm install -g @angular/cli if you don't have Angular.


You will need the API up and running so see the COSHH API project for info on running it.

Environment variables

Before running you need to create a .env file in the root directory containing the following.


Set the values to the correct ones for your Auth0 application.
The start and build commands use the dotenv package and a script in scripts/setenv.ts to read them in and create the correct environment file.:

If you don't create a .env file then you need to export them all to the environment you are running within:

export CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL=http://localhost:4020 \
export \
export AUTH0_AUDIENCE=https://coshh-api-local.wopr.inf.mdc \
export AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=kGE0VDjHYDaQvx977nCCe8e4GJbCfi41 \
export BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8080 \

You can mix and match between the .env or environment as long as the build/start process has all 6 to read in.
Any env vars that you export in your environment will override these even if they are contained in the .env file.

Remember to set to the env vars in your CI process so that they will be built into the container image.

Start the UI:

npm run start

Go to http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

CI Environment Variables

Different env vars are used by the publish-ui and publish-ui-master stages so that the correct Auth0 details are passed in to the docker image. Development and feature branches:




The CI stage publish-ui-master runs on a merge to master branch and uses the file called Dockerfile which uses npm run build-prod which then runs ng build --configuration=production.
The CI stage publish-ui runs on development and other branches and uses Dockerfile-dev which runs ng build --configuration=development.
Change things like PROD_CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL in the gitlab repo via settings>CI/CD>Variables to whatever Auth0 settings the app needs to use.


The main page including the table and nav bar is in the coshh component. This subscribes to filteredChemicals$ in the chemicals service, which is the single source of truth where the chemicals retrieved from the API are stored in state and filtered.

There are separate components for adding, cloning, editing and scanning chemicals, all of which use the chemical dialog component.

The data service contains API calls and functions which return specific fields from the filtered chemicals list.

The expiry service contains functions which determine the expiry status of chemicals and set the background colour of the chemicals (used in the expiry column) accordingly.

The save service contains functions to print and save the table.

The hazard service contains functions retrieving the hazard icons for a particular hazard and updating the hazards and retrieving a hazard list for a particular chemical (hazards are stored in a separate table in the database).

The scanning service handles logic relating to barcode scanning and the dialog windows which open once a code has been scanned.

Scanning mode

Scanning mode is activated by clicking the scan button in the nav bar. This effectively activates a listener which allows the user to scan a barcode in order to archive a chemical.

If the scanned barcode corresponds to a chemical number in the database a dialog opens prompting the user to confirm that they would like to archive that chemical. If the scanned barcode does not correspond to any chemical within the database, or belongs to a chemical which has already been archived, a dialog wll notify the user of this.

A barcode scanner works like a keyboard, i.e. it does not interpret what the barcode is, it just ‘types’ out a string of alpha-numeric characters that the barcode represents, ending with 'Enter'. The coshh component contains a listener for the 'Enter' key. The scan button is automatically disabled when the user clicks on any filters or checkboxes, to avoid any scanned numbers appearing in those inputs should focus be on those elements.

Formatting conventions

Cupboard names

To attempt to maintain consistency as far as possible, when a user adds or edits a chemical, the cupboard name is lower cased prior to being sent to the API. The formatString function in the utilities file is used to 'tidy' cupboard names, also trimming whitespace and removing consecutive duplicate whitespaces. As the database may already contain cupboard names which have not been formatted, the formatString function is also used to format cupboard names when a cupboard name filter is applied.

Known Issues

  • On Safari the chemical count is truncated to 2 characters. This appears to be an incompatibility between Angular Material and Safari and is not an issue in Chrome or Firefox.


Flammable icons created by Freepik - Flaticon


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 licence, which can be found in the repository as LICENCE.txt