- Choose frameworks
- tornado
- jupyter-kernel-gateway
- jsplumb
- jquery
- bootstrap
- With dependency
- ipyparallel==6.0.2
- jupyter-kernel-gateway==1.2.0
- Keras==2.0.3
- matplotlib==1.5.3
- networkx==1.11
- numpy==1.11.3
- pandas==0.19.2
- scikit-learn==0.18.1
- scipy==0.18.1
- seaborn==0.7.1
- tensorflow==1.0.0
- tornado==4.4.2
- xgboost==0.6a2
- Web <-> management server <-> Jupyter kernel gateway
- Drag & Drop add one node
- Node Structure with inputs & output, labels, close(x) button
- Chart: read image from jupyter
- Run & Stop
- Run flow with running scripts one-by-one
- Add node, delete node, connect node,
- Table style
- Float/drag console div
- Code style/highlight
- Console description/inputs/output
- With Node structure, create node/jsplumb.
- Run
- Stop
- Color style of idle/wait/busy/done
- Message structure
- Dynamic get script from module to jupyter
- Two "Add File" + One "Merge Data" works!!!
- Multi Session!!!
- Could we parse doc to get js nodeTypeList?!
- "Add File"/"Merge Data"/"Split Data"/"Get Train Test" woks!!!
- Multi outputs
- Add "Model"/"Evaluate"
- Run from add data to predict/roc_auc_score
- Change node/connector style
- To add widget support
- To add canvas drag support
- To add node/widget class data structure and api
- New Logo!!! ;-)
- Add widget structure suppport!
- To enter widget
- Add new widget to widgetList
- Show tab name with widget-node name
- Add canvas to widget
- Switch to this canvas
- Batch add nodes with widget structure
- Batch draw nodes with widget structure
- Widget button function!
- Refactor: Inputs "Default" full length!!!
- Batch add nodes with widget structure
- Batch draw nodes with widget structure
- Widget button function!
- docx/pdf of MARS!
- Code cleaning!!!!!!!!!
- Keras
- Widget Modal
- Clear node/widget after delete
- Close tab
- Alert js
- Run all nodes from current widget.
- Node balance...
- DAG with NetworkX
- Flow script refactor
- Parallel tasks with ipyparallel, one user <--> one kernel <--> one client <--> multi engines
- HDF5 or just dataframe