Released under by @melissakinsey.
- Description
- User Story
- Installation
- Usage
- Features
- Technical Specs
- Tests
- Lessons Learned
- Contributions
This application is used to write, save, and delete notes. It uses express.js on the backend to save and retrieve notes from a JSON database file.
The project repo is at
AS A boot camp student
- Write new notes and save them
- Read saved notes
- Delete notes I no longer need
SO I CAN organize my thoughts and keep track of tasks I need to complete.
This app is hosted in a local server on port 3001.
Enter a descriptive title so it's easy to find the right note when you need it. Type the text of your note beneath the title. A "Save" icon will appear in the top right corner of your screen. Click it to save your note. The title of the saved note will appear in the list at left.
- Clean user interface
- Simple navigation
- Ability to save notes and store them in one place
- Ability to delete notes you no longer need
App runs in any standard browser. It's deployed on Heroku.
To ask questions or contribute project feedback, ping me @melissakinsey (GitHub), @KinseyMelissa (Twitter) or