tgpt is a cross-platform cli (commandline) tool that lets you use ChatGPT 3.5 in Terminal without API KEYS. It communicates with the Backend of Bai chatbot. Its written in Go.
tgpt "What is the purpose of life?"
The default download location is /usr/local/bin. But you can change it in the command and use your own location. However make sure its in PATH, if you want it to be easily accessible.
You can download with this command :-
curl -sSL | bash -s /usr/local/bin
If you are using Arch Linux you can install the AUR package with paru
paru -S tgpt-bin
Or with yay
yay -S tgpt-bin
go install
Package can be installed with scoop with the following command -
scoop install
You can download an executable for your Operating System, then rename it to tgpt or whatever you want. Then you can execute it by typing ./tgpt
being in that directory. Or you can add it to the Environmental Variable PATH and then you can execute it by just typing tgpt