Define and implement ICAM policies, processes, and technology solutions.
Designate an integrated ICAM team that includes personnel from the offices of Department of Information Technology, Chief Information Security Officer, Office of Management & Budget, Metro Council, Risk Management, County Attorney and the Louisville Leadership Team. These offices, as well as program managers and acquisition offices, should regularly coordinate to ensure that the project's policies, processes, and technologies are being implemented, maintained and managed consistently. This includes coordinating the deployment of capabilities and functionality provided through the lifespan of this project.
Outline enterprise-level performance expectations for cybersecurity and privacy risk management throughout each user’s lifecycle.
Develop a mechanism to streamline and automate enterprise-level performance reporting. This mechanism should align with existing and planned reporting and analytics structures and tools.
Utilize Digital Identity Risk Management as outlined in NIST SP 800-63, including the selection of Identity Assurance Levels (IALs), Authentication Assurance Levels (AALs), and Federation Assurance Levels (FALs) to guide the evolution and process creation of this project.
Debut with neighborhood feedback and survey system for pilot and proof of concept.
Support from MetroCouncil Technical acumen both internally and from residents