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cv |
Michael Hedges's CV |
High-Energy Physicist
Postdoctoral associate at Purdue University.
Data analysis & techniques, high-energy lepton collider commissioning, beam-induced backgrounds, neutral particle detection.
Developing machine learning/artifical intelligence algorithms for scientific analyses, intensity frontier physics, quarkonium spectroscopy & NRQCD, semi-leptonic B decays
University of Hawaii at Manoa
- PhD Physics
Boston University
- BA Physics
Python/Scipy | C/ROOT | Machine Learning | OS X | Git | Linux
"Computational and Data Science School for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP)" []
ARI Grantees' Conference: Best Student Presentation
- Title: "Performance Studies of A Prototype Directional Neutron Detector Using Cosmic Rays"
P. M. Lewis, I. Jaegle, H. Nakayama, et al., "First Measurements of Beam
Backgrounds at SuperKEKB" [in preparation].
S.E. Vahsen, M.T. Hedges, I. Jaegle, S.J. Ross, I.S. Seong, T.N. Thorpe, J. Yamaoka, J.A. Kadyk, M. Garcia-Sciveres, "3-D Tracking of Nuclear Recoils in a Miniature Time Projection Chamber" [arXiv:1407.7013]
I. Jaegle, S. E. Vahsen, et al., "High resolution 3D Tracking in a TPC with Pixel Readout" [in preparation].