diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2a0fb98..0649b43 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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-# progresslogger
-Simple progress logger for Python. Replaces the built-in enumerate function
+# Progress Logger
+## `pip install progresslogger`
+Progress Logger is a simple, lightweight logger for your Python loops. Quickly see the current status of long loops, its estimated time remaining, and more useful stats!
+### Simple Usage
+Progress Logger works great right out of the box, with no customization required. When imported, it will overwrite the built-in `enumerate()` function. That's it!
+from progresslogger import *
+my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
+for i, letter in enumerate(my_list):
+ execute_code(letter)
+>>> Starting progress logger for 5 items.
+>>> Iteration 1 of 5 (20.0%) complete. Approximately 4 seconds remaining.
+>>> Iteration 2 of 5 (40.0%) complete. Approximately 3 seconds remaining.
+>>> ...
+>>> Loop complete! Average iteration time: 1.0 seconds
+### Advanced Usage
+You may customize your logger and pass it directly to the `enumerate()` function:
+my_logger = ProgressLogger(show_next_value=True)
+for i, letter in enumerate(my_list, my_logger):
+ execute_code(letter)
+>>> Starting progress logger for 5 items. Next value: "a".
+>>> Iteration 1 of 5 (20.0%) complete. Approximately 4 seconds remaining. Next value: "b".
+>>> Iteration 2 of 5 (40.0%) complete. Approximately 3 seconds remaining. Next value: "c".
+>>> ...
+If you'd like to retain the built-in `enumerate()` function, or you'd like to have both, you can use `from progresslogger import ProgressLogger` or `import progresslogger` and use `progresslogger.enumerate(...)`.
+You may wish to insert the log in the middle of a loop, or otherwise implement your logger yourself. Simply initialize `ProgressLogger` before the loop, and call `mylogger.log()` once each loop:
+my_logger = ProgressLogger(my_list) # be sure to pass your collection when initializing your logger
+for letter in my_list:
+ my_logger.log()
+ execute_code(letter)
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